Passion of the Christ

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Rear Admiral
Hey all,

Most religous nuts out there are giving their take on this film I feel that I should give a balanced opinion. First, the Movie was very very violent and under no circumstances should children see this movie. Two, the movie doesn't potray Jews as the murderers of christ but spreads the blame around pretty good, only idiotic zealot christian assholes will believe that. Three any level headed person that doesn't idolize their religion can understand this movie without drawing any stupid conculsions. Mel Gibson really tries to show the 'LOVE' of christ for his people though most christians think the most important was that he died for their sins
the movie only talks about him dying for 'sin' in the begining and really ilustrates his love his "passion" through out the film

My Beliefs:

I believe That Jesus was real and believe his teachings of love were and are relevant His crucifiction should illustrate his love for us I also believe that I cannot pass judgement on anyone or convict of any sin because I am not GOD

in closing

if your level headed and can understand art over belief this is a good movie worth seeing

I wasn't baiting preacher :::::hides meat:::::: really I wasn't


just hoping to sway some people that might be afraid of it because of the media hate/hype

Not to mention, religion tends to start really stupid threads. I suggest going over to and signing up. I enjoy going over there and being frustrated out of my skull by anime freaks, uneducated political radicals and people who like really bad music.
I have not seen the movie, so I can make no comment. Here aretwo reviews.

And let's remember what St. Paul said: "If Christ hath not been raised, then is our preaching vain, your faith also is vain".
please do not make this a preaching thread that was not my intention at all
notice delance's post didn't mention love
funny point proved

I simply made a comment about a fundamental aspect of christian faith.

When I say Wing Commander has space fighters, it's just a fact.

I don't understand why the agressive tone. I just said I didn't saw the movie, and the rest was two links and a quote. The fact that my post didn't mention love doesn't mean anything.
I'm not a Christian, and I'd go to see it simply because Mel Gibson did the whole thing in Latin (and Aramaic, to be fair :p)
Bandit LOAF said:
Preacher was banned, you don't need to bait him.

Dude, when did that happen?!? I miss all the good stuff. :(

On to the subject though, I don't really want to see the movie, not because of the hype surrounding it, just because I don't think it looks that good. I've heard that there's not much of the actual life Jesus, which just seems kinda pointless to me. I haven't been a fan of Mel Gibson's work since Braveheart. Every movie he's done since that one has just rubbed me the wrong way.
dextorboot said:
I've heard that there's not much of the actual life Jesus, which just seems kinda pointless to me.

Well, the fact is there are lots of movies about the LIFE of Jesus. And from what I've heard of every single one of them is they really sugar coat his death. This movie is a good suppliment to those, as it goes into the gorey details of his torture and death. Seeing that really brings his forgiveness of the Romans et all to a whole new level.

One thing I didn't understand is, I was told by quite a few people that the Romans actualy drove the stake through the part of the arm just bellow the wrist because that would hold the person's weight, as opposed to the hand which would just rip, but the movie stuck with the "translated" hand position. Ah well, I guess the average person isn't going to know the details of a Roman crucifixion (sp) so no need to confuse anyone.
I won't be seeing this movie. It's not necessarily the press surrounding it (but that plays a part) it's just that the whole jebus thing has been beaten to death. Why people want to see the "gory details" is beyond me. And quite frankly, I find that idea quite morbid.

t.c.cgi said:
Ah well, I guess the average person isn't going to know the details of a Roman crucifixion (sp) so no need to confuse anyone.
To go on another topic for a moment, this is exactly the problem with people today. Nothing is expected of them so we sacrifice accuracy for entertainment, etc. And if we expect nothing of people then that is exactly what we'll get, nothing. I see this in the schools in the world at large and if it hasn't hit a country yet then the effect has already started. Learning is a must in todays day and age, so why are we doing these things? I doesn't make any sense! How are we suppose to progress if our basic education is regressing? I see these general trends in society in general regardless of which nation I look at. It is a truly sad time.
sigma_nunki said:
Why people want to see the "gory details" is beyond me. And quite frankly, I find that idea quite morbid.

I went to see this movie for the same reason I saw SPR and bought the Band of Brothers miniseries: for appreciation of the suffering that people underwent for me. Granted, the belief that Jesus suffered for me is just that, a belief. But that doesn't reduce the film's value any less for anyone else. Yes, I'm sure there will be people who will see it just for the gore, but that's just the result of the "shock and awe" mentality of entertainment today... which inversly has allowed for the creation of this film.
For some reason I can't explain, I find it insulting that you'd compare Jesus to Band Of Brothers. But that could be because I loved BoB.
Poor Preacher. Banned right before a movie that's right up his alley is released. :(
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