Oxford & New Detroit Landing Platforms

From what I know, Freelancer borrowed near everything from Priv/Darkening... altho the asteroid-mining is straight from Elite.

As far as quick cash... take patrol-for-target missions in the same system. Being assigned to kill something through a multi-NAV or multi-system patrol means that when you find it it is usually alone, so that cuts down immensely on the number of random hostiles you find immediately. As soon as you get a decent ship and lvl 3 shields, start running illicits from Pentonville's pirate base to the pleasure planet in Junction... very lucrative, gives reliable, quick cash at low risk, if you want to do the same thing a half-dozen times.

Personal fave: 40k Retro kills. Got lucky and found 2 of them in the same system. Lesson #1: 60k goes a long way towards ditching your Tarsus for a better ship. Lesson number 2: if you manage those kills, find a planet and LAND AND SAVE. Lesson number 3: I dont care who you are, in a Tarsus an asteroid belt and 3 Ace gothri will kick your ass any day.
I disagree, a fully equipped Tarsus is better than a bare bone Centurion. Although, who cannot love the look of a Cent?
Originally posted by redwolf
I disagree, a fully equipped Tarsus is better than a bare bone Centurion. Although, who cannot love the look of a Cent?

But a Orion with medium equipment is the best.
Originally posted by Delance
But a Orion with medium equipment is the best.

Never liked the Orion. It just looked too old and outdated for me. The Galaxy was a nice looking ship in my opinion, look at the detail on the cover.

Originally posted by TheFraix
Gimme a Centurion with full upgrades and 4 tachyon cannons... and I'm a real happy merc.

Just upgraded mine a few nights ago. :) 4 tachyons and 2 missile launchers in the front, tractor beam and twin meson blasters in the rear (I wish they fired on their own), with Level 3 engine and shield upgrades to boot. I have one mean machine that only a wing of Gothri can even think about denting. It's a little too easy as of right now though, if it doesn't get any tougher, I might have to 'upgrade' to a fully loaded Tarsus and have some real fun :).

don't worry, it'll get tougher ;)

my current centurion is loaded with 2 tachyon cannons and 2 ionic pulse cannons....and it kicks major ass!
Originally posted by Viper61
I might have to 'upgrade' to a fully loaded Tarsus and have some real fun :).

Yeah...nothing like being chased by Gothris or any kilrathi ship for that fact threw a astroid feild :(
The last time I played Priv I used to pass the asteroid fields with afterburners, making wild circles around the destination point. Sometimes you crashed but if a couple of Gothris are after you it's useful . The guy who told me this trick said it was because of the fake 3d or 2.5D engine the game used.

Anyway, it did work.

The last time I played Priv I used to pass the asteroid fields with afterburners, making wild circles around the destination point. Sometimes you crashed but if a couple of Gothris are after you it's useful . The guy who told me this trick said it was because of the fake 3d or 2.5D engine the game used.

That was always pretty risky in priv though. It worked like a charm in WC for SNES...
Originally posted by Lynx
The scouting missions for the exploratory service were tough. Nothing but asteroids.

Yeah but i had so much fun working for the exploratory service, After my first time threw the game i wished that you could sign up with them like you can with the guilds.

I guess im a natural explorer.
Freelancer is a game that allows for a lot of exploration. It's the best free-form space combat explorer game around, I think.
Don't know much about Freelancer. Can someone explain the running 'joke' about "not owning the place, but knowing the people who do"? Freelancer was set up in an EB store and that's all I got from talking to people. I also really hate the player character's drawn-out "uh huh". :p

Originally posted by Cam
Thanks Wedge!
Happy to help.
Forgot to say, looking at those pictures again, when they're not blown up into pixellated full screen mode, really are quite pretty. :)