Original Wing Commander Artist Here.

Thanks guys!:D It was a fun interview. I especially liked all the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the chat room at the unboxing of the shrink-wrapped Wing Commander! :eek:

By the way, in the spirit of science fiction game art, here's some stuff I've done for Infinite Space III:Sea of Stars by Digital Eel!

The Nebular Drive Sled

The Nuclear Plasma Thruster

And the Quantum Corkscrew Thruster!

These are just the engines, not actual spaceships themselves. The game has a pretty wacky look already established, and I tried to match it as best I could. Big bold shapes that will stand up to being shrunk down to icons.


Denis, some of those engines almost look like they might belong in Wing Commander Privateer. I'm guessing you weren't in on that game too?

I know the late Paul Steed was involved, but I can't find your name in the credits. Do you remember what you were up to in 1993?
Denis, some of those engines almost look like they might belong in Wing Commander Privateer. I'm guessing you weren't in on that game too?

I know the late Paul Steed was involved, but I can't find your name in the credits. Do you remember what you were up to in 1993?

Oddly, I don't think I did anything for privateer. I suspect this was during the pre-production of WCIII, which led to the "hollywood era" of Wing Commander.:rolleyes: An era I was not a part of.:(

In other news, a lucky Patron won this:


He's certainly more laid-back than the emperor and the prince! ;)

This harkens back to the illustrations I did for The Space Gamer Magazine way back in the day. Do a portrait, and throw in a background element that suggests a backstory. Works every time! :D


I like it very much, congratulations to the lucky winner. I hope he appreciates Wing Commander.

(Though my first impression of the character was that he as sad...or feeling "caught").
I like it very much, congratulations to the lucky winner. I hope he appreciates Wing Commander.

(Though my first impression of the character was that he as sad...or feeling "caught").
Perhaps that's Largkza out the window there to his side - and out the window you don't see (the one this guy's looking out of) what he's looking at is the shattered remains of Kilrah......

That'd work.
I thought more of "Oh man, again latrine duty..." ;-)
Of course, a Kilrathi warrior on latrine duty would, presumably, kill himself, which makes the image even more tragic.

But I've got an alternative interpretation, though coincidentally also related to latrines: "oh, oh, I thought the meat smelled funny..." :)

No offense to the artist, of course - the image is great, and it's fun to imagine what could be going through the cat's head.
It could be Hobbes a few hours after arriving back on Kilrah, I know this isn't the version the novel goes by.

...but if (as is possible in the game) Blair had chosen not to take him down in Alcor, the picture could represent how he would look after being suited in appropriate attire for his debriefing with Thrakhath. His expression seems slightly torn, jaded.

I'd imagine had Ralgha made it 'home' he'd have spent the rest of his days feeling rather depressed before Blair came to finish them all off.
Of course, a Kilrathi warrior on latrine duty would, presumably, kill himself, which makes the image even more tragic.(...)

But I've got an alternative interpretation, though coincidentally also related to latrines: "oh, oh, I thought the meat smelled funny..." :)


Very fitting as well :).
Think these are worth anything?

Perhaps that's Largkza out the window there to his side - and out the window you don't see (the one this guy's looking out of) what he's looking at is the shattered remains of Kilrah......

That'd work.
Ouch! Right in the Feels! :eek:

I thought more of "Oh man, again latrine duty..." ;-)
Haha! He looks long suffering. :cool:

It could be Hobbes a few hours after arriving back on Kilrah, I know this isn't the version the novel goes by.

...but if (as is possible in the game) Blair had chosen not to take him down in Alcor, the picture could represent how he would look after being suited in appropriate attire for his debriefing with Thrakhath. His expression seems slightly torn, jaded.

I'd imagine had Ralgha made it 'home' he'd have spent the rest of his days feeling rather depressed before Blair came to finish them all off.

That's DARK, dude! ;)

If you're interested in selling, I'd certainly make you an offer! The Wing Commander Academy shirt with the Paul Steed art has always been a holy grail of mine :)
Oh wow, yeah, that Academy one is fantastic... I already have the Priv and 3DO shirts, but that one is new to me.
Oh wow, yeah, that Academy one is fantastic... I already have the Priv and 3DO shirts, but that one is new to me.

Here's a closer photo: http://imgur.com/CA2MwqN

I believe the story goes that Paul Steed hated the Wing Commander II team shirt so much (it was a huge plasticy orange image of the Tiger's Claw under attack) that he volunteered to do the art for these others... and that's where these cool original pieces come from.

I've been hoping to get my hands on the Wing Commander Academy shirt to do a nice scan of the art... then have it cleaned up and reproduced. It's cool because it's an original piece of 'in world' art... a little bit more Wing Commander fiction! (Would also make a fantastic tattoo.)
I am drawing a cartoon of Hobbes, and I want to get his uniform correct. Can anyone help me?



  • HobbesSketch01.jpg
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Hobbes, as he appeared in WC2 (this image from WCPedia)


And here he is in WC3 (from the CIC). There are others out there from WC3 but it's hard to find one where the lighting gives you all the details of his uniform.
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