Opinions on Standoff Episode 1 (*spoiler warning*)

Eder said:
Nope, I think that scene is auto-triggered when you attack a friendly IFF for long enough. Also, it'd make no sense to let you kill everyone without anyone fighting back like in WC1. :p

I want them to fight back, only without the battle being cut short. I noticed that on the Sabre pursuit mission, my loadout showed a torpedo, but it wouldn't lock on the Lionheart?

I particularly liked Spoons' callsign. Very realistic :) I guessed perhaps he played the spoons as a musical instrument, or wandered around with spoons in his pocket (perhaps he forgot he put them there in the cafeteria?) when he was back at flight school or something like that.
AI parameters

Eder said:
We've been able to figure out what the AI parameters for pilots mean,
I'd be very interested in this info, could you please post this somewhere?
Sure, no problem. Here's the ATTR chunk from pilot.iff:

      CHUNK "ATTR"
        long 1      // Number
        long 1      // XA
        long 0      // Language callsign string
        long 2      // Pilot type; 2 = fighter, 5 = capship
        long 4      // Loyalty; order obedience
        long 5      // Verbosity; how much a pilot talks
        long 3      // Flying
        long 4      // Gunnery
        long 0      // Ejection (0 = only if absolutely necessary?)
        long 1      // Special pilot = 1, generic = 0
        long 5      // Squadron; 0 = Diamondbacks, 1 = Wolfpack, 2= Black Widows, 3 = Kat, 4 = Bug, 5 = Confed Generic
        long 2      // Initial killboard count
        long 0      // Unknown (varies 0/1)
        long 0      // Unknown (always 0)
        long 0      // Unknown (always 0)
        long 0      // Unknown (always 0)
        long 0      // Unknown (always 0)

The five AI stats are Loyalty, Verbosity, Flying, Gunnery and Ejection. They range from 1 to 5, with higher numbers being better (well, I suppose a high number in ejection might not be considered better :p ). If you happen to have the WCP Guide, it explains these stats in greater detail and provides a (somewhat inaccurate) listing of all the pilot stats.
got one question can we play as the kilrathi?

Yes U Can Cheat (wooot)

=======SPOLIER ====SPOLIER ALERT ======

hi all i was mucking about with stand off and for a luagh i tried some of the old secret ops and huzahh they worked i was taking out tallons like flies now for the best bit type shoehorn when u take off and moretunes for the radio
then i think its press shift +I for god mode and then c for non collidable

part from that its a g8 game

cant wait to get my new comp built (W00000tt)

time to kick some furballss hehehe