One Ship Challenge


This challenge is simple: In WC3/4, playing at any level higher than Veteran, complete the ENTIRE game using only ONE type of ship. The "one type" rule applies for any mission in which you are allowed a choice of ship--for atmospheric or scramble missions, and a couple of others, you are not allowed to choose your ship. Choose whichever you like--Arrow, Hellcat, Thunderbolt, or Longbow for WC3, or Banshee, Vindicator, or Avenger for WC4. So far I have managed this on Ace level for Arrow and Thunderbolt in WC3, and for Banshee, Vindicator, and Avenger in WC4.
it seems that a lot of people like the longbow... i have no idea why... that ship is such a pain in the ass to fly... i only use it for one mission in WC3 and that's when you have to mine the jump points... other than that, it's a waste of space in my book... i just prefer the lighter fighters like the hellcat... however my fav ships are in WC:P... after playingthat game a few times over the summer, i remembered how much fun it is...
Originally posted by Millzy
it seems that a lot of people like the longbow...

Really? I always see people NOT liking the Longbow...generally people seem to hate the Hellcat.

i have no idea why... that ship is such a pain in the ass to fly... just have no skills :P hehehe..I actually think the Arrow is the biggest pain the ass to fly.

i only use it for one mission in WC3 and that's when you have to mine the jump points... other than that, it's a waste of space in my book... i just prefer the lighter fighters like the hellcat... however my fav ships are in WC:P... after playingthat game a few times over the summer, i remembered how much fun it is...

Well, whatever floats your boat. I've always been a fan of the heavier ships (although I wish the Broadsword had some afterburners..)
Man, bringing down capships hasn't been the same since WC2. Torpedoing a capship in a broadsword or a sabre was an art. Don't release to soon, or the flak will bring it down, release to late and yer dead.

Since WC3 bombing has just been tooooooooooo easy.
Yes Talyn, it was.

I wrote down how to do it actually.

Come in twisting and turning, wait for the lock and weave just as much as you can to avoid breaking the lock, slow down a bit as you near the lock, then once you got lock, slam the throttles forward, head right towards it, let the torp go, and pull up or veer out of the way and wait for the Kilrathi guy to yell out "NOOOOOOOOOO"

Fly right in his face, toss it off and run.

Originally posted by Ladiesman^
Well, whatever floats your boat. I've always been a fan of the heavier ships (although I wish the Broadsword had some afterburners..)

I agree with you there... The Broadsword was a great ship... WC2 is such a great game... i finally got it working on my computer and i beat it once, i'm playing it again before school starts up again... so much fun and a great story
"Fighter pilots make movies, attack pilots make history. "

In WC4 I'd go with the Avanger. I love the dual Stormfires.

I played it last week and found myself often using the Arrow and then the Excalibur. I find it odd, since I was never usually an Arrow fan, but there I was.


I usually use the Vindicator, but I only fly on Veteran because I have no survival skills in WC4 yet. Too many missiles. But I usually stick with the Vindicator, and then the Dragon.
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
I generally use the Longbow whenever possible anyway in WC3, so i've done it long ago.

What level do you normally play at? At Veteran level, enemy ships fly very stupidly, not bothering to dodge much. At Ace and Hero levels, they fly smarter, dodging whenever you are on their tails and making occasional use of afterburners for both pursuit and evasion.

Anyway, I have noticed that the fastest enemy fighters (Darket, Banshee, Razor, Arrow) tend to stay out of your gunsights at the higher levels--they dodge faster than you can turn, much of the time, so even getting the two or three volleys in that you need for a kill is quite difficult. Darkets, especially, seem to come in at me from the sides in WC3 when I fly a Longbow, staying clear of my guns.
Originally posted by Ijuin

What level do you normally play at? At Veteran level, enemy ships fly very stupidly, not bothering to dodge much. At Ace and Hero levels, they fly smarter, dodging whenever you are on their tails and making occasional use of afterburners for both pursuit and evasion.

USUALLY I just leave to whatever it defaults too. I have done it succesfully on the higher levels though, with little problems. I suppose I just have the bomber touch.
Im not really sure.... Most of the time I fly the Thunderbolt, unless I need loads of missiles, mines, or torps, then I take a Longbow. But anytime the Excalibur is available, I take it. So Im not sure how to go about doing the challenge.
Originally posted by Ripper
Im not really sure.... Most of the time I fly the Thunderbolt, unless I need loads of missiles, mines, or torps, then I take a Longbow. But anytime the Excalibur is available, I take it. So Im not sure how to go about doing the challenge.

Well the challenge would be to choose NOT to use the Excalibur when given the choice (Excalibur-only missions, such as the atmospheric missions and the Kilrah series, are an exception).

Personally, I think that the autotracking guns make shooting down Kilrathi too easy--either you blow them all away in under a minute, or else you are so heavily outnumbered that they blast you apart in a huge crossfire before you even get a chance to fight. As long as the decoys and afterburner fuel hold out, odds of less than three to one against are a cakewalk, while bigger odds are a nightmare worthy of a Silver Star. I would like to try the Excalibur with autotracking turned off, but I haven't been able to do that--is the shortcut key the same as in WC4?
Dont know. If you want to make it more challenging, up the skill level. Nightmare is a pain in the butt on some missions.
I go for the Dragon and Excalibur. As for blindfire, I like to leave it on. It may make the game easier, but makes it more realistic. Come on, you'd think that 600 years from now they's have something like that. If it were my story id have an all-axis 180 degree blindfire. All the ships would just be spheres, and "guns" would just be conductive rails able to discharge particles from any angle. Now, THAT'S strategy. Let's try directly connectiong brain to Fire Control System...
Hellcat, baby! And don't say they how well they perform in the WC4 novel. You just got to be good! Hmmm, where's Col. Dom?
Originally posted by di5tortion Let's try directly connectiong brain to Fire Control System... [/B]

Been done. Check out Firefox or Brainstorm.

Theyre movies.

Good movies.

Maybe not Firefox, but Brainstorm is real good.