Novels Question

Seems to be an adaption of the miniseries. But I am not sure, becuse it is sold as first part of the cyklus. I'll see it when I read.
Well, they're a bit confusing, what with all of those Arabicky names and whatnot.

And, like Planet of the Apes, the shockers are really one-timers.
I was getting them for Lisa.

Planet of the Apes is something that can be watched over and over... I mean, that one with the schoolbus is just great.
Not the series, the series is pretty good...I just meant that the shock of seeing the Statue of Liberty is kind of one-time. Though for some of us, it's delayed...

As long as they don't send us to that horrible PLANET OF THE APES...wait a minute, Statue of Liberty?...That was Earth! YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP!
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I was getting them for Lisa.
LeHah, please don't ask who Lisa is! :)

Planet of the Apes is something that can be watched over and over... I mean, that one with the schoolbus is just great.
You mean the series? I watched a couple of episodes once, it did not seem bad at all...
I never watched the Charlton Eston movie, though. :(

The upcoming Tim Burton's remake, starring Mark Wahlberg, looks great however! :cool:

Yeesh, why don't you want me to know who "Lisa" is?!
Why didja pick on me of all people? :p

BTW, I know who she is; I've seen pics. She's cute, but she ain't my Sosa! :D
The last movie, BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES had an attack-schoolbus.

The five movie DVD set is like the best thing ever.
Thats Heston mpanty, you shoudl get it right, he is the head of the NRA after all:) Not someone to mess with.
Were they the ones that worshipped the atom bomb or something. It's been a while since I've seen the Apes movies, as I saw them in a backwards marathon on AMC a couple years back.
The Alpha-Omega guys? Considering the Cold War was going strong at that time, those guys were freakily realistic:(
Not the X-Men then?

I think I need to watch the films again before the Burton one is released.