Next Wing Commander


I was wondering, does anybody know if there will be any more Wing Commanders, or was Secret Ops the last one?
That would be great. Too bad all I know is VB and limited C++. I could bring back the Kilrathi. They were the best part of the Wing Commander series.
I just noticed that Interplay won't be taking any shots at FS3 for the forseeable future, for the same reason we can't tell when the next WC will show up: Lots of stuff sells lots more.

But that's alright, because FS sucks.
NO! Freespace was a nice game... It's the third best space sim i know (after WC and Privateer). But it's still bether than Starlancer.

the largest german Wing Commander Fan Site
Freespace was nice enough as far as ships, gameplay and missions went, but it did suffer from a severe lack of story and character development. On the whole, I would give it a B- or thereabouts.

Best, Raptor
I liked FS too. What I liked especially was that a) the enemies were more of a challenge and b) it was different because for once you were not the total hero saving mankind all by yourself but you were more a 'regular' outstanding pilot who helped to defeat the enemy.

Anyway, it's a matter of taste.
FS is the best Spacesim after WC and Priv. I liked the terran ships
and the vasudans were cool too, but I didn't like the shivans really. (The Kilrathi were the best bad guys ever-no one can beat them!!)
Well to answer some questions there are WC fan projects to make new engines there is Vega Strike, which is showing quite large amounts of potential, with several teams planning on using it. There are also other ones that are being made, but the one that appears to be making the most progress is the WC:I mod for star trek armada, publically there is already a confed and nephilum release and privately there is a UBW release that is quite good. so watch out for new stuff going on over there.
Yeah but i think everyone wants a new Origin to come up with a WC6 but what are they waiting for is what i want to know. Prophecy was a big hit they need a new one.
The market for space sims nowadays isn't what it used to be... just like EA's dedication to anything that you can't play online with 10 thousand people and 10 seconds of lag.

Hehe, if only 10 thousand people played that kind of game you can bet EA wouldn't be persuing it.
Oops, I bet they wouldn't :)
I was thinking something along the lines of "10 thousand people onscreen at any given moment, minimum" but just didn't express myself correctly.

I would love to see the WC games on the FS engine; you must admit, it was sweet! I would also like to see games in the WC universe that deal with other game catagories. For example, WC Sim City, where you can play God to every race, build anything you want, have spacial anomaly disasters, and decide who dies or lives.:cool:
All this talk of SpaceSims not doing well. Does anyone remember games like Xwing: Alliance? Admittedly, anything with Star Wars on it will sell, but that was a damned fine SpaceSim.
XWA is definitely one of the best space sims out there, and it has one of the best engines, too. Personally I can't wait to play it through again with the updated models from!

XWA came out a long time ago. And it apparently didn't sell anywhere near as well as X-Wing or TIE.