Next WC game should be multiplayer

New WC game

I think it would be neat if they made a new WC game that was just a big mission builder. You could pick any side you wanted (Confed, Kilrathi, BW, etc), and pick any time period you wanted (WC1, WC2, WCP etc). You could create single missions, or entire campaigns by yourself. That way Origin wouldn't have to spend so much money on writers. They could use the money to make the mission builder really advanced but easy to use, so people with no programming experience could use it, and they could improve graphics. Basically, it's Wing Commander Academy, but WAY more advanced.
As long as the next WC game is not entirely multiplayer (or worse, Online-only) I will appreciate any multiplayer option. In fact, I probably appreciate any WC game.
I think the only way to go about changing EA's mind is to either:
a) blockade their offices a la RATM style (hehe remember Wall Street!);

b) destroy ALL records and accounts and development/support of UO and UO2;

c) declare a revolution, seize power worldwide and make it mandatory that the US defence budget goes into the making of a new WC series which includes an MMP game, but regular updates every year, and a new episodal game (like the series) every 6 months. This shall be enshrined in the Constitution of the New Terran Confederation, section 69 :)
Whoops that was meant to go into "Wing Commander Continuation Petition". Oh well, never mind!


Remember section 69!
Originally posted by redwolf

c) declare a revolution, seize power worldwide and make it mandatory that the US defence budget goes into the making of a new WC series which includes an MMP game, but regular updates every year, and a new episodal game (like the series) every 6 months. This shall be enshrined in the Constitution of the New Terran Confederation, section 69 :)

I always like the solve a problem through world dommenation solution.
Well if earth and beyond works EA might try to milk the wc licence maybe not since they would compete against each other but who knows.
Originally posted by RFBurns
One where you can fly to ANYWHERE in the WC universe, not just a few sectors. You can dock at bases, mines, refineries, planets, carriers. One where you can fly for any orginization, be it Confed, militia, merchants, mercenaries, pirates, Kilrathi, etc. One that fuses both a sim engine and an FPS engine so you can actually walk around on the bases, carrier etc, interact with characters, take off and land *manually*. Buy, sell whatever, and have every single ship ever in the WC games in it.


Wing Commander Universe will have all these features except for wing commander 5+ ships and FPS elements!
WC Universe! That sounds great! There needs to be a WC game that has the entire WC universe in it, so you can fly in the whole WC universe! But it should also have every WC series ship, from WCI thru WCPSO, even the Privateer and Privateer 2 ships! That would be neat! But at this point, any new WC game would be nice. :)

I still think the next WC game should be a single player game with multiplayer support. Kinda like Tachyon. The single player is great as is the mp. I think mp games lack ALOT that single player games have to offer. While multiplay is fun, I wouldn't want it to be the whole game. It looses alot of story which just can't be accomplished with mp. And that, to me anyway, is the most important part of WC. I like seeing the FMV's (if need be they can change to 3d rendered, but FMV is ideal) of the crew and such with me in the place of the main charecter.

I hope to high heaven that the next WC game isn't pure multiplayer. If it is, I might play it a bit but I doubt i'll ever truly like it.

In the words of the great Dennis Miller, "That's just my opinion, I could be wrong!"
I think it should have a solo campaign, with a great story line !
But it would be great if it had MP support and a mission editor. Like Xwing vs Tie, in which you could fly hudges battles with friends and play both side.
A WC with that would be perfect for me (that what I thought when I used to play Xwing vs Tie) !!
just feed me my pills and I'm happy :D

(I guess I shouldn't say that though, last time i claimed to take pills, Patriot got mad at me :(. Whatever happened to him anyway?)
Is there anything known about a "next Wing Commander Game"? Maybe Origin uses the same tactic as with prophecy where they introduced the game just a few months before completition.