New 3D Thread

This is beautiful. And WC owes a huge debt to WWII. In fact I became a Pacific Theater buff because of WC/Privateer. So this kind of content is fantastic. Keep it coming!
Thanks Chris for the background though. With the Star Wars canon about to be reinvented, it's always good to keep an eye on the continuity of the WC universe. Have loved watching Ben and everyone do that over the years.
No problem - fan theories are a good thing, and many of them were even "canonized" in Star*Soldier, but we occasionally need to level set our baseline to know from where to branch our theories off of.

Anyone who enjoys this topic can help by contributing to the WCPedia! :) My time has not allowed me to work with it much, but anyone out there with spare time and no outlet for their Wing Commander fandom should give it a shot.
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Power requirements peculiar to the Sartha meant that acceleration compensators were powered subordinate to the neutron guns. This meant that maintaining a full charge in the guns reduced the ship's ability to maneuver without burning RCS propellant. A pretty nimble little light fighter was reduced to the maneuverability of a heavy medium at best. The best Sartha pilots operated on half charged guns, and drained RCS fuel at a prodigious rate, reducing their combat range and hitting power, but allowing for greater maneuverability.

Of course, the Kilrathi (as always) figured this out faster than we did. Over Miliput, I had a Sartha pull this insane high-G maneuver, getting on my tail and just STAYED there. I let him be, figuring he didn't have the charge to maneuver that agressively AND hit me (very hard) while I worked over his mates.

Too late, I realized this guy mounted a quartet of high velocity stormfires whose minimum power requirements made Swiss cheese of my backside while that damned Sartha hung on my six through every possible evasive maneuver like he had been painted on the canopy at the factory.

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We had been reporting faster, more heavily armed Dralthis for almost a year before a very prim and proper intelligence briefer sat us down and showed us the error of our ways. These, he intoned gravely, were of from a completely different sect of clan manufacturers and thus intrinsically and deeply distinct from the Dralthi line. We were henceforth to make careful distinction in our combat reports, and duly note the myriad and subtle (yet distinct) differences between the two craft, despite the fact that both Dralthi's and Drakhri were frequently operating in the same systems, even from the same ships!

Subsequently, claims of Dralthi's and/or Drakhri dropped to near zero. Claims of 'pancakes, batwings and medium sized cats' went on per usual.

-Rear Admiral Nona Sigurdsson, TCSN (Retired)
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Whoa, a Kilrathi double-dosage!

These are two of my absolute favourites. WC2 was the first game in the series I actually played, so my first glimpse at a Kilrathi ship was of these two. Fabulous!
Excellent work with the models as always Klavs!

For reference this is how we adapted the dralthi for in game use for the Flat Universe project.

The screenshot is directly from the game engine (this is how you see the dralthi fly by in cut-scenes and close-ups! - no post editing or effects added) and the conversion needed was minimal. The fact that the model looks that good in a game engine is a proof of how good a modeler Klavs is!


The bogey appeared behind us at an impossibly low angle, tearing through the upper stratosphere, accelerating as they came. In seconds, they were clear of the ionosphere, shedding the corona of excess plasma from their insane acceleration up to orbital velocity. One contact became many and it soon became apparent our little tin can was hellishly outmatched. A living nightmare of snarling durasteel, torpedo launchers, plasma cannons, and a full wing of fighters was bearing up at us, and there was no way we could get away in time.

Captain Dominguez took a sip of his tea and turned to me. 'Battle Stations please Kate, we might be in for some rough handling.'

-LT Katheryne Niswonger, TCS Lanei
I can only imagine, one wing of 2 Broadswords and one wing of 3 Rapiers on a strike mission against this CapCat! Let's see who will have what it takes?
View attachment 7068
The bogey appeared behind us at an impossibly low angle, tearing through the upper stratosphere, accelerating as they came. In seconds, they were clear of the ionosphere, shedding the corona of excess plasma from their insane acceleration up to orbital velocity. One contact became many and it soon became apparent our little tin can was hellishly outmatched. A living nightmare of snarling durasteel, torpedo launchers, plasma cannons, and a full wing of fighters was bearing up at us, and there was no way we could get away in time.

Captain Dominguez took a sip of his tea and turned to me. 'Battle Stations please Kate, we might be in for some rough handling.'

-LT Katheryne Niswonger, TCS Lanei

Would this be the same Captain Dominguez who later became BWS Intrepid's Captain, who was battle comrades with Captain William Eisen?
In WC2 I could kill a Kamekh with a Ferret.

Our initial idea, in FlatUniverse, on level making combined with game ballancing is to use multiple wings on one sortie, both bots and real players in cooperative mode. Kamketh is a Corvette. By no means a Ferret will be able to kill it alone not even a pair of them. But one Raptor (there will be a layout with torpedos) or a pair of Rapiers will be a threat.
For a Ralatha and something bigger multiple wings will be needed.