New 3D Thread

Oddly Blender's smart UV project function tends to work pretty well, though occasionally it does something totally bonkers like taking mirrored faces and throwing them on opposite sides of the map. And obviously, the more detailed the model, the more likely it is you'll get an unwrapping error that makes you scratch your head. But overall it's a hell of alot easier than creating seams on everything and/or using the ortho UV project function.
Oddly Blender's smart UV project function tends to work pretty well, though occasionally it does something totally bonkers like taking mirrored faces and throwing them on opposite sides of the map. And obviously, the more detailed the model, the more likely it is you'll get an unwrapping error that makes you scratch your head. But overall it's a hell of alot easier than creating seams on everything and/or using the ortho UV project function.

It's definitely an art form to do well. I'm glad I'm basically my own pipeline, only I get to see my shoddy behind the scenes work! I'm sure if I worked at a professional studio I'd be fired immediately for terrible practices. Fortunately, I have many other day jobs!
It's definitely an art form to do well. I'm glad I'm basically my own pipeline, only I get to see my shoddy behind the scenes work! I'm sure if I worked at a professional studio I'd be fired immediately for terrible practices. Fortunately, I have many other day jobs!
Yep. :P
I admit that the UV layouts for my ships are terrible, and make it really hard to re-texture them without using an in-situ painting program like Mari or Modo. I mostly just use Modo's 'Atlas' layout which just takes bits and pieces and lays them out every which way.

WC is what I do to relax, and I hate UV unwrapping, so for the ships I just use the laziest way possible.
You should check out "IPackThat" - It's a standalone program that does the best automatic packing I've every seen. It's saved me months of time, and provided amazing results. Completely worth the 60 bucks, but if you don't believe me, there's a demo.
I realize that this would be a licensing nightmare (and will likely not ever happen), but does anyone else out there want someone to take Klavs' models and remake the original WC games?

Im hoping for something a hair more reasonable... SQ42/SC mod with his models
Here's a couple turntables for you guys.



That Rapier is a thing of such beauty... I'm super tempted to build one.
That Rapier is a thing of such beauty... I'm super tempted to build one.

Happy to provide some ortho views, and cross sections, if you want!

You'll notice I closed up the front intake on the C-model, I liked the idea at first, but it started looking too Viper-like for my tastes.
Happy to provide some ortho views, and cross sections, if you want!

You'll notice I closed up the front intake on the C-model, I liked the idea at first, but it started looking too Viper-like for my tastes.

I shall certainly be ringing your doorbell when I get around to it.
oh my sweet buttery jebus.. that is the mostest gorgeous thing... like my paint over but 100% more authentic. I'd love to see this in.. well, anything really.
oh my sweet buttery jebus.. that is the mostest gorgeous thing... like my paint over but 100% more authentic. I'd love to see this in.. well, anything really.
*nods enthusiastically*

It's what the Connie was always meant to be: classy, powerful and unstoppable.
Yes... yes. It certainly is not unpretty, to say the least.

Hey, but whatever happened to the PTC?
"Yes I...know what you're thinking, she's no Concordia."

Enough difference to not invoke the trademark justicars but damn she's sweet to look at. I'd also reinterate my comrades' comments in asking about the PTC.
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