New 3D Thread

Looking great as always Klavs!

I recently picked up a 3D printer. Does anyone know if there is a way to acquire the models used for Klavs' 3D prints? I have the base model packs but I don't see any .stl files in them.

Thanks in advance!
Looking great as always Klavs!

I recently picked up a 3D printer. Does anyone know if there is a way to acquire the models used for Klavs' 3D prints? I have the base model packs but I don't see any .stl files in them.

Thanks in advance!

What file format do you have available for the models? The latest version of Blender can output models to .STL; you could import it, export it as .STL and then it's just a matter of running the file through Cura to make it into something you could print. Both of those programs are freeware.

"Stand by for node deceleration!" Sounds cool, right? Very space-y.

Engineers will tell you there's no such thing as 'deceleration', that there is no accurate term to describe acceleration with a negative vector. It's just acceleration in another direction. Vector addition. THAT uphill battle has been going for centuries!

If ever there was term to scientifically describe having your insides eight-dimensionally transported to another part of the universe a yoctosecond before your outsides...

Then I guess 'deceleration' is as good a word as any.

Oh, and it's not a "jump" either. It's an "Inertia-less Spatial Transition." But YOU try saying THAT three times fast while fighting off Intertia-less Spatial Transition Disorientation or "Jumpshock" or "Akwende's Hangover" or whatever the heck we're supposed to call it.

Huh, Maniac read a dictionary today? Must have lost a bet against Vagabond.

Pretty awesome scene there, Klavs! :-)
Huh, Maniac read a dictionary today? Must have lost a bet against Vagabond.

Pretty awesome scene there, Klavs! :)

Thank you! I like to imagine an elderly Maniac writing his memoirs is a much more mellow, intelligent person than anybody ever gave him credit for. Underneath his callous, boorish exterior is a slightly less callous and boorish interior. Over a soft and vulnerable nougat center.

Idiots do not fly spacecraft in combat for 30 years and survive! :)
I always enjoy these little excerpts from Maniac's narrative.
Same here.
Thank you! I like to imagine an elderly Maniac writing his memoirs is a much more mellow, intelligent person than anybody ever gave him credit for. Underneath his callous, boorish exterior is a slightly less callous and boorish interior. Over a soft and vulnerable nougat center.
Yep, he must have been one hell of a PTSD case in the end. The guy flew through the worst of the worst for several decades while everyone he knew died.
Idiots do not fly spacecraft in combat for 30 years and survive! :)
Only lucky idiots do. :-P
I realize that this would be a licensing nightmare (and will likely not ever happen), but does anyone else out there want someone to take Klavs' models and remake the original WC games?
I realize that this would be a licensing nightmare (and will likely not ever happen), but does anyone else out there want someone to take Klavs' models and remake the original WC games?
That would be a Wing Commander Saga level of mod. Get a competent team and a few years to do that kind of job.
Sure. Find the team ready and willing for this and you have a shot at it. Of course, then it becomes easy to realize that porting the old games would not do any really interesting game for the simple reason that the technology changes made some game design choices ineffective. Take Wing Commander Standoff, which has the closest thing one could imagine to the old Wing Commander games. To make it work, they had to seriously increase the scope of the battles compared to what you'd usually find in the originals.
That would be a Wing Commander Saga level of mod. Get a competent team and a few years to do that kind of job.

At one time these were all going to go into the Wings of Saint Nazaire engine, but I think development on that has kind of stalled out since Howard Day has taken his one man awesome show in another direction.
Beauty Klavs. One day I may have to pick your brain about how you do your texturing, if you're in the mood to help a fellow modeler.

Thanks! I mostly use Modo's procedural textures as a base, then bake it out into a texture I can basically hand paint like a giant plastic model kit.

It's like learning anything else, just takes a lot of trigger time to get it right, and I'm still learning a ton!
Thanks! I mostly use Modo's procedural textures as a base, then bake it out into a texture I can basically hand paint like a giant plastic model kit.

It's like learning anything else, just takes a lot of trigger time to get it right, and I'm still learning a ton!

Thanks! Baking the diffuse texture makes sense, I normally only bake out emit maps I'm going to have to try that out. Certainly would make things easier than hand-painting everything in GIMP. :)
I admit that the UV layouts for my ships are terrible, and make it really hard to re-texture them without using an in-situ painting program like Mari or Modo. I mostly just use Modo's 'Atlas' layout which just takes bits and pieces and lays them out every which way.

WC is what I do to relax, and I hate UV unwrapping, so for the ships I just use the laziest way possible.