need idea

Are the fighters going to launch from bays in the sides of the ship, from chutes like the Midway uses and land on the flight deck? I think thats how they did it in WC1 though i could be wrong.
Er... yeah. In WCI there were these "launch tubes" from which your fighter took off... and then you landed through the main central flight deck...
Just like in Battlestar Galactica (except that the landing decks were on the sides of the ship)...
AHA! All you have to do to find out is play WC I again, and as soon as you launch, press F4...
I never tried it, but I guess you probably get the front of the ship on your screen... :)
Hum... true.

But I think Raptor's right, it should be on the sides...

Raptors are always right BTW! :D
Whenever a Kilrathi said to me "You cannot defeat the Drakhai" while I was in a Raptor, he ended up always being wrong... :)
Of course that was true about Scimitars, Rapiers, and Hornets too:) But i agree, they are definintly on the sides somewhere.