My Xbox got the Red Ring of Death...

well.. I can't speak for most companies, but when you send out for sony repair services, they give you a detailed list of what they fixed and why you just got charged a half a billion dollars in repair services.
I was just talking about this at another forum. Does any company send you a note back with info like that when you send them something to repair/replace?

That's a good question. I suppose I can't really comment - I don't think I have had anything repaired in this way.

When you get something repaired in person, the dialogue inevitably shifts to "so what was broken?"

I was just curious - I think that regardless of whether or not the work is under warranty, you should know what service you are getting and which components are replaced.
It went really fast. According to this letter which I've scanned the problem was with the motherboard.

Friday evening: called it in.
Monday evening: Xbox picked up by courier.
Thursday: Repaired and shipped out again.
Monday evening: Delivered.


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There does seem to be one other major Xbox problem unrelated to the ring, where nearly all games will return a "disc cannot be read" error perpetually.

Guess who's had both.
My 360 passed away early yesterday morning. She'd been a bit sick the night before so I was kinda bracing for it though. She was a good little console and shall be missed.

Anyway, I coffined her up and shipped her to Microsoft that same afternoon. Here's hoping for a speedy turnaround.
My Xbox got the RRoD a few weeks ago. But when I contacted Microsoft they said that the console was out of warranty and it would cost $90 something dollars plus shipping and handling to fix it. So I hope to find a place locally that will fix it cheaper.
Shouldn't a warranty period go in the moment you buy it? The 360 hasn't even been out three years. You'd better call again.
The warranty goes from when you bought it (as long as you bought it new), not when it was fabricated. In fact, though, *all* Xbox 360s are still under warranty against the RROD and they will be through November. Call them back and demand satisfaction.
You guys were right! I called Microsoft again and this time was told that since it was the RRoD, that it is still covered. Apparently either the other guy, when I called a few weeks ago, didn't know what he was talking about or didn't understand that it was the RRoD.

So I got an apology and my box is in the mail.

Thanks guys for the information! You've saved me a pricey repair fee:D

Edit: WooHoo! 100 posts!
So, by bumping a 5 month old thread and mentioning my own 360 troubles I also inadvertently set off a chain of events that led to a fellow Wingnut getting his RRoD'd 360 fixed up free of charge?

Talk about good deed of the week baby.
When I started my XBox today and signed into Live, it asked me to download an update. I agreed and in the middle of the update, my XBox got the RRoD. I switched it off and unplugged it, waited a bit and then turned it back on and it seems to run fine.

Should I be worried?
Probably not. Those LEDs actually go red for a few different reasons. It doesn't sound like a real ring of death to me, but keep an eye on it.

My third Xbox has been perfect.
This thread sounds alot like it is describing the fate of volatile marriages rather than gaming hardware. Excellent!
When I started my XBox today and signed into Live, it asked me to download an update. I agreed and in the middle of the update, my XBox got the RRoD. I switched it off and unplugged it, waited a bit and then turned it back on and it seems to run fine.

Should I be worried?

Yea, maybe. I got the RRoD several times before my 360 finally caved. Keep an eye on it, you might get lucky, but start planning ahead since it might bust up soon.
Thanks guys, I'll keep an eye on it. Though there is not much I can do for it: I seldom play moreh than 2 hours in a row and the XBox sits atop of a small podest with nothing above it or to the sides.