My WC travels

Loaf made Dralthi Waffles and took a picture of them. I don't have in on this computer, but I remember seeing it.

Last night, I was sitting in my dad's office, waiting on him to finish some business so we could go Christmas shopping. I looked and noticed that his printer looked kinda like a dralthi, 'cept it needed the wings. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna swipe it, put wings on it, and take a picture.
Well, flying as a commuter is quite boring. Only take offs are mildly interesting. It surely beats shaking for hours inside a bus.
You just have to think of the shaking as a gentle rocking that will eventually put you to sleep . . . or, if you want excitement, think of each shake and bump as a flak burst pounding your transport as you make your way across the system. Either way, you're bound to enjoy it, as long as the guy next to you doesn't flatulate . . . or ask to touch you.
Or you get sick from the shaking. or bored to tears. or get food poisoning form a road stop cheap bar. Brazil is as big as continental US, you can get trapped in a bus for days. AAAAAAAAAAAAAh
Edfilho said:
Or you get sick from the shaking. or bored to tears. or get food poisoning form a road stop cheap bar. Brazil is as big as continental US, you can get trapped in a bus for days. AAAAAAAAAAAAAh

You can leave the bus for bathroom and stuff, you are not really trapped in it. :)

But each cat you find might remember you of a Kilrathi. And if you see a monkey, you can say to him that he is a pathetic descendent of monkeys.
I was in Jazz Band, Swing Choir, Marching/Pep Band, Orchestra, and Concert Choir for my entire four years of highschool. Each music entity takes one major trip every two years...I went to Disneyland 6 times, Washington DC twice, New york Twice, Indianapolis 4 times (but that doesn't count, we didn't take a bus) and Chicago Twice. every trip utilized Coach. Add to that the time the Concert Choir's drummer got sick back in January '03 and they called me, and that's another trip to florida...on a bus...with a bunch of hormonal, full of themselves, "I'm-so-grown-up" teenagers...

I am the master of Bus/Coach trip survival.
No you didn't.
Sanders, congratulations, you suffered a lot more than me. ;) I'll try to remember that whenever I'm really bored!
I keep running into people from Indiana, talking about Indiana, or going to Indiana (or almost going, in this case). WTF?!?
GeeBot said:
I keep running into people from Indiana, talking about Indiana, or going to Indiana (or almost going, in this case). WTF?!?

Yeah, I even heard a song about Indiana the other day. Only it wasn't Indiana, it was Oklahoma.

(I think the only song about Indiana is "Gary, Indiana" from The Music Man.)