Movie best parts!

The interior of Kilrathi ships surely sucked! It looked as their ships were organic and that silly green mist! But the battles looked good and the music was, of course, very good.
But in the scene where Pegasus is attacked I was really struck when you heard the Kilrathi fighters making these howling noises when they dived towards the Station as if they were flying through air! I was really annoyed by that. But meanwhile an idea occured to me: Was that howling perhaps the alarm siren?
He He He... Mr. Roberts must be a WW2 admirer too. The Kilrathi fighter sounds, the fighters design, the part where the Tiger's Claw hides from the Kilrathi cap ship (just like a ww2 submarine scene!), the ships interiors...
I liked the movie. Hell, I enjoyed much more WC that SW Episode 1.
Yeah I enjoyed WC much more than SW:ep1.

WC was made for the fans. Ep1 was made to line Lucas' pockets with merchandise dollars.

All those impressionable kids out there. Need I remind everyone of Jar Jar Binks. Truly, one of the lowest moments in cinematic history.

However, out of the abyss came WC to salvage sci-fi/fantasy movies somewhat.
Im pretty sure that wailing sound was an alarm siren sounding to alert the base that it is under attack.
Originally posted by redwolf
WC was made for the fans. Ep1 was made to line Lucas' pockets with merchandise dollars.
Actually, as I understand it, Lucas originally created the SW franchise starting with EP1 through SW Return of the Jedi. He chose to film the last trilogy first because it was deemed to have more moviegoer appeal. The intent was always there to film EP1-3 - it's just taken 20 or so years to do it. I actually liken Roberts to Lucas, both had a vision/concept of a universe.
However, out of the abyss came WC to salvage sci-fi/fantasy movies somewhat.
Are you serious!?! WC The Movie was horrible! It was the first movie I ever fell asleep in and believe me, I've seen some pretty bad films. And where did that mystical crap come from!?! There is a reason why the SW, ST, and even Alien series have been successful and the WC Movie B..O..M..B..E..D.
The movie was good, but i didn't had the feeling of "wow, this is wing commander". I didn't had the feeling the games have.
I thought the movie was great! I liked almost everything about it. I don't understand why some people insist that it "bombed" or "sucked." It didn't. In reality, I think that a few bad reviews from people that know nothing about Wing Commander gave everyone that went to see the movie a bad impression about it. It was another great product in a line of great products and it is just as much a part of the Wing Commander universe as the original game is.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
In reality, I think that a few bad reviews from people that know nothing about Wing Commander gave everyone that went to see the movie a bad impression about it.
I don't think it was intended as "A WC Movie FOR WC Fans". Anyone should have been able to pick up the plot - not just WC fans. Just like the X-men movie wasn't JUST for people who have read the X-men comics or seen the cartoon. And I saw the WC movie on the night it opened and so the reviews were not a factor in my judgement of it. But hey, if you liked it...great!

Is it just me or did the games and movie that followed WC4 seem to just fizzle? Was it a case of Roberts simply running out of creative juice with regard to the WCU?
Originally posted by Marcml30
I don't think it was intended as "A WC Movie FOR WC Fans". Anyone should have been able to pick up the plot - not just WC fans.

Wow. The introduction gives you all the information you need to understand what is happening in the movie. You're right...anyone that went to see it should've been able to get the plot. But that wasn't even my point. My point was that those who didn't understand it and got confused gave everyone a bad impression about the movie. Hell, before I saw it even I expected it to suck. However, I didn't let that influence me when I first saw it. I'm glad that my expectations were false.

[Edited by WildWeasel on 03-19-2001 at 15:30]
Originally posted by WildWeasel
My point was that those who didn't understand it and got confused gave everyone a bad impression about the movie. Hell, before I saw it even I expected it to suck. However, I didn't let that influence me when I first saw it.
In almost any scifi movie there are going to be those that don't understand the concept or plot. Most successful movies are able to overcome this (and bad reviews) - WC didn't. There have been plenty of good movies that got bad reviews and yet were very successful so I don't think it's fair to say that bad reviews made the movie bomb. Keep in mind that it also had F. Prince Jr. who is very hot in the states. Even he couldn't save it.
I'm only blaming the reviews for influencing certain people's opinions. I can't say that the reviews caused the movie to suck because it didn't suck.
I'm quite thankful no one saw the movie... I rather like explaining what Wing Commander is to people -- at least more than hearing "Eww, wasn't that a horrible movie?" from them.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
I can't say that the reviews caused the movie to suck because it didn't suck.
That's your opinion. But you'll agree that the movie was (very) far from a box office (in addition to a critical) success?

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I'm quite thankful no one saw the movie... I rather like explaining what Wing Commander is to people -- at least more than hearing "Eww, wasn't that a horrible movie?" from them.
When I tried to introduce a friend to the WC games he said, "Isn't this game based on that crappy movie?". :)
Originally posted by Marcml30

That's your opinion. But you'll agree that the movie was (very) far from a box office (in addition to a critical) success?

Sorry to be completely ignorant here. but just how badly did it "bomb" commercially? Does anyone have any figures for the amount made compared to the cost of the movie. Also what is required figures for a movie to be considered "box office success".

I'm really not much up on this sort of thing, so if someone could enlighten me that would be great.

The scene were the Tiger Claw hides in the asteroids was a ridiculous copy of a scene from "Das Boot" where they hide from an destroyer searching the submarine. I wonder that Jürgen Prochnow did not protest. And if this movie would have been made for the fans, it would have more similarities with the games than only some names!
I have yet to see the actuall movie of WC! (I know I should be whipped and gagged!!) But I think the reasons why I have yet to view that movie is because of the FMV's in WC3-5. Then going thru WC1-2 and Armada just seemed to me that it was enough. Should I run out and grab the DVD?
