Map Time Again

The most direct route from Ella to Sol is through Talos, according to the maps and the game guides. If that is the case, how do we explain the Vesuvius' presence in Talos if it had to take a longer route from Axius to Sol (bypassing the 'smaller' jump points in Ella)? I suggest a simple modification to Sol sector: add a jump line from either Canarus or E-Erandi to Talos (all in Vearrier quadrant). This shouldn't be too hard - it's a much less crowded section of the maps than Vega sector! It is then easy to see the Vesuvius following the route: Axius -> Pembroke -> Vespus -> Canarus -> (E-Erandi) -> Talos -> Sol. How Sosa managed to detect the Vesuvius leaving Axius from Callimachius is another matter entirely. :/

Okay, I see the problem here. My addition of a Callimachus-Orestes jump was premature.

According to the WCIV novel, the Intrepid's path should be Callimachus-Ella- Orestes-Sol. So the addition should be Ella-Orestes and not Callimachus-Orestes.

I *think* that solves your issue.

I'll make the repair in the morning at work.
I haven't yet had a chance to look at the changes (home Internet connection has become unusually unreliable and volatile in the past week), and I don't doubt the authority of the novels, but... why Orestes? That's two cross-sector jumps, and I know sector borders don't mean anything in real space, but Orestes is supposedly a Border World, and for it to have a direct jump link to Sol doesn't make much sense to me. Still, if that's what the novel says, then I suppose we just have to accept it.
The novel didn't have a map to go on - just a bunch of system names used in WCIV. :)

But yeah, the novel follows the Intrepid through Callimachus, through Ella (no mention of a superbase - just an asteroid field) and directly to Orestes.

Border Worlds sector command is said to be in Orestes, and the Intrepid recieves reinforcements from the Princeton during the running battle.
you have the priv online maps with you? I would love to see how it was going to be...actually, anything from what would be priv online/p3 would be great to check out, if you dont mind :)
It would have been cool to do priv3 in the inner worlds, during a run from sol to sirius etc...
Privateer 3 was set in a previously undefined sector... and since it never made it into the canon, it never made it onto the map. I've got Privateer 3 and Online notes at home - I'll try and remember to bring them to work so I scan scan some information.