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I just love the way the Stellar Accretion device is modeled by a Nephilim dry dock with a listening post jammed halfway through it *lol*
Originally posted by Supdon3
What do you mean? They are fine, they beat off the Kilrathi.

Well they lost to their other enemy on the other side of Kilrathi Space, didn't they?

This other race may be warlike like the Kilrathi, whilst the Mantu may have been like ConFed. They lost to this other race, perhaps like ConFed was about to lose to the Kilrathi.
The Mantu didn't beat the Kilrathi... they fought a major war and a small skirmish, both of which ended in a stalemate. We have no word on who won their war closed to the core of the galaxy...
According to the WC3 novelization, the Mantu had kicked the snot out of whoever they were fighting coreward, and were headed back in this direction.

Here's a thought: what if the Nephilim were the race that the Mantu hammered, and they are fleeing the Mantu? It would explain why we kicked their asses so easily. They found out about the Kn'athrak, and decided they might go for a new start by picking on the weakened, defeated Kilrathi, and make them think they are the Star Gods. If the Mantu are after them, it would also explain the second try. They can't go back, so they've got to keep trying in this direction.
If it's mostly Kilrathi myth, how could they be so certain that the Mantu were moving? It seemed to me that they were working off recon data from probes or something.

And aren't the novels canon?
The Confed reference in Action Stations to a fleet moving is to the Nephilim... as for the other stuff, the Kilrathi in the books *believe* their myth, that the Mantu are a warrior race that plans to eradicate them -- whereas, in fact, they're quite different. It's all explained in the ICIS manual...
"That being said, it must be admitted that the enemy's known level of technology could well have been achieved by the Mantu in the last two centuries, and they remain a suspect, or at least a primary line of inquiry." -Nonhuman Historical Analysis, Prophecy Gold Manual.

We don't "think" that the Mantu have a reason for pursuing wars, but we simply don't know. Confed is pretty well in the dark about them. And, that still doesn't answer my other question about the Nephilim. If they are the Star Gods, we shouldn't have been able to stop them, at least not so quickly. My guess is that they are somebody else, who simply is using the Kilrathi myths for their own purposes. And the idea that they are running from the Mantu was mere speculation, but suppose they got the same idea about the Mantu that the Cats did? If the Mantu are the "insular, somewhat paranoid race of explorers" that the ICIS manual makes them out to be, perhaps the bugs attacked them, got their asses handed to them, and ran, believing the Mantu to be these invincible conquerors, just like the Cats.
The ICIS manual talks about the Kilrathi tendency to deify/demonize any enemy left alive (a process occuring with Confed at the time)...which could be taken as the Mantu being a peaceful yet superior race to the Kilrathi.

The Nephilim probably ARE the Star-Gods of Kilrathi prophecy, but they aren't the Mantu...unfortunately, they seem to be mostly aliens with delusions of grandeur. In all likelihood, they came upon this section of the galaxy as it was developing, wanted a conflict, and picked the race which showed the most promise in this direction: the Kilrathi. They set Kilrathi social evolution into motion, then probably returned to their section of the galaxy and kept moving coreward.

The Mantu were probably a peaceful race of explorers who happened to have fairly advanced weaponry (much like the Federation or Confed). They fought the more aggressive Kilrathi to a standstill, and probably just left the system after that.

I don't think the ICIS Intel report totally discounts the Mantu as being just says they probably weren't. I don't have it sitting next to me right now, so would anyone care to prove me wrong?

EDIT: Just because the Kilrathi call them Gods doesn't mean they are...walk up to me on the street and ask me if I'm a god. I'll say, "Yes.", just because I learned a valuable lesson from Ghostbusters. It doesn't mean I, or they, actually ARE gods..."Advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic,". Just because the Kilrathi are gullible cats doesn't mean that the Nephilim are gods, they're just an alien race with too much bluster. And, their advances in the intervening millennia were probably much less then ours. So, in short, we're the top gods around this section of space.

[Edited by Nep Parth on 05-17-2001 at 14:23]
Clarification: I never postulated that the Star Gods actually are gods; I do, however, say that if the Nephilim were advanced enough to create a myth of being gods four thousand years ago, they should have been damn near unbeatable now. My theory is that the so-called Star Gods and the Nephilim are two different races. The Nephilim just, as you said, have delusions of grandeur, and think they are death incarnate.

My theory with the Nephilim vs. Mantu is that history repeated itself: the Nephilim, being predatory, attacked the Mantu. The Mantu defended themselves, just as they did against the Kilrathi, and we did, as well. They kicked the Nephilim's asses, considering they seem to be much more sensible about keeping their military strong than we are, and scared them so much that they ran in our direction, convinced that the Mantu would finish the job, even though the Mantu are perfectly content to see them run.
Four thousand years ago You could have shown up with a windup grammophone and people would think You're God... I mean, they thought Jesus was the son of God and he didn't even have one! Ad that was only 2000 years ago! Mind You, we burned black cats for good luck only half a century ago...
Aside from your blatant disregard for others' beliefs, the so-called Star Gods would have at least had interstellar travel four thousand years ago, with all the extraneous tech that goes along with that. When you consider four thousand years of technological development after that, they would have some very impressive gadgets by 2681.
Whose to say they advance in technology at the same rate that we do. Look at the Kilrathi. They were in space two thousand yearas before us yet we we're BETTER than them when we met, technology wise. Sure, they didnt actually create any of their space technology, but it didnt advance a whole lot after that.
I *still* burn cats for luck... not just black ones!

Mostly weird little black and white pushed in cats, though.
Fenris, my point was never to insult Christianity. I simply said Jesus managed to make people convinced he was the Son of God without interstellar travel or heavy gorgon guns...
I don't know what bible *you've* been reading, but Jesus had plenty of heavy gorgon guns in *my* version...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I don't know what bible *you've* been reading, but Jesus had plenty of heavy gorgon guns in *my* version...

Did that assist him when walking on water? Oh, wait, he had Repulsors for that one! ;)

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