LOAF, do you buy EVERYTHING?


Rear Admiral
C'mon LOAF! the WC handmade models, i was going to put a $100 bid till i realised u bought them! do u have all the WC merchandise?????
Yeah he does :)

I would have bid upto about $150 but I've really got myself into debt at the moment so I didn't :(
Ehh, I am a bit of a collector, I guess <G>

Most of my WC dollars are going towards picking up rare Japanese titles these days, though.
Ladies and Gentlemen the award for understatment of the year goes to..... LOAF! :D Hey LOAF do you have any photos of what you're collection looks like at the moment? Mine still fits onto one shelf!
I'm sure there's a way to exploit this weakness in LOAF.

If somebody buys some WC merchandise, make it available on eBay you could turn quite a handsome profit. :D
Originally posted by CamW
I'm sure there's a way to exploit this weakness in LOAF.

If somebody buys some WC merchandise, make it available on eBay you could turn quite a handsome profit. :D

Somebody put up a copy of the original WC1 still in the box, that was auographed by Chris Robets. Last time I checked it, it was going for $109. And I'll give you one guess has to who was winning. LOAF.

LOAF: Did you actually get that, and if so, what was the final price?
I actually got a Chris-autographed WC1 for a few dollars a week or so ago. EBay auctions are fickle :)

I did end up getting that auction for $109... the really special thing about it was the receipt that came with the WC1 -- it was dated the *day* WC1 was released!
Whoaa... :eek:

*Recalls the scene from the South Park movie when a kid touched Cartman after him seeing the Movie, and falls down to the basment laughing my large intestine to pieces.*
See, now you just let him know. Next thing ya know, he'll be trying to buy 'em from ya, then one day you'll wake up and they'll all be gone, with just a note saying, "Thanks and best wishes, LOAF" :)
Don't touch him, he'll bite your arm off! :D Atleast he will you're carrying WC merchandise.
LOAF I think everyone here is more than a little curious to see this collection
Originally posted by Ghost

I´m the only one here who has the spanish WCP and P2, even LOAF doesn´t has that stuff :p
I got a "svenska" version of priv2 for win9x these days from software savings UK... so LOAF, if you don't have one already, this is your chance...they sell it for only 12 "british pounds" (not including shipping)
Originally posted by Capn Johnny
I wonder if I could drive Loaf into bankruptcy by putting Hobbes' flight helmet up on Ebay.. :D
And I was going to say that there can't be that much WC stuff which LOAF doesn't already have...
Originally posted by Capn Johnny
I wonder if I could drive Loaf into bankruptcy by putting Hobbes' flight helmet up on Ebay.. :D

Ehh, I've got some fine helmets already... <G>

I'll give you large sums of money for your WC2 FM Towns, though... it's the one FM Towns game I'm still missing!
Huzzah , Johnny...

You should start auctioning a bunch of tiny things... I mean, if you auctioned a pencil used for the development of WC Prophecy, I bet LOAF would buy it. Eventually he'd just run out of money and have to sell a kidney.

i have 4 copies of WC Kilrathi Saga i had just bought my fifth copy Sat. If anyone is interested let me know
I only regret that I have but one life to give confed,,,Loozer>>>Hells Kitchen,Vega Sector