Knights of the Old Republic II....just finished....

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Edfilho said:
I don't think you can actually download the droid factory planet. I know it was dropped off the game, but never saw it for dl.

Oh thanks. I was confused, and thought perhaps they had an extra downloadable planet like the "Yavin Station" download for KOTOR I.
Dundradal said:
There is a downloadable extra planet that was not totally finished, it's supposed to be a droid factory world, where you would find out who is sending those HKs after you.

We already know who sent the HKs. It is stated in the game, but I won't post it here for other people's sake.

LeHah said:
How does The Sith Lords compare to the first KotOR?

I liked it very much. More customization for your character, ie. a LOT more feats, powers, skills, etc. It also isn't as black and white as KOTOR was as far as light/dark goes. You can go either way and influence your party members along with you, plus it doesn't make clear cut paths for you to follow based on your alignment. There is a even a special set of robes only usable when your are neutral.:D

Like everyone else said it did seem rushed in areas. Telos for one seems like an extremely small map the way it was set up, but many of the other worlds are very detailed and beatifully designed.

And the biggest improvement in the entire game...flowing Jedi robes:D
Ive said my ... greivances about KotOR before so I won't reiterate my dissatisfaction with it. But something irks me about not enjoying a Star Wars RPG. (Though I admittedly am not into RPGs like I use to be)
KOTOR is a more complete game. Sith Lords has some very good parts, but they don't add up as well as the original.
the original was a good game with a great plot. Its great how your character finds out he\she was one of the most evil people ever.
LeHah said:
How does The Sith Lords compare to the first KotOR?

gameplay is improved...the story is the only real negative against just well ends and is hard to uncover unless you use gamebanshee or
In other words, don't bother with Sith Lords if you didn't like KotOR
I lack a X-Box myself, so I have to rely on reviews and screenshots.
Silly non-XBOX user....Join us, and together we can rule this universe as...well something witty has failed to shoot across my brain. However, Kotor was worth it's weight. I think the second tried too hard to be more complex and have more stuff. I liked it, but I won't replay it again to go down the dark path like I did in the first game.

X-Box, PAH! The PS3 will blow your febal Xbox and the newer 360 away!!! Neway, what did you expect from Knights? I never really liked the game series at all! If you want a good SW game, play the Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces 2). Its the best! Plus it takes place in the New Republic.
vindicator said:
Silly non-XBOX user....Join us, and together we can rule this universe as...well something witty has failed to shoot across my brain.

I had been sorely tempted many times to get a X-Box but never purchased one. It's mostly because that the games for X-Box were either "special editions" of games I had for other systems (Spider-Man / 2) or something I could get for the PC and have it look better than the console could offer (Riddick).

Iceyl86 said:
X-Box, PAH! The PS3 will blow your febal Xbox and the newer 360 away!!!

Didn't I just respond to your question about what it takes to get banned?

Iceyl86 said:
Neway, what did you expect from Knights? I never really liked the game series at all!

I had been a major RPG fan in high school and had hoped that if anything could rekindle my love for that genre, it was a Star Wars RPG. Sadly, I don't like the battle system in KotOR but also cannot say what I dislike about it so much. Perhaps it's because it just seems like a more "dynamic" but equally uninteresting version of the Final Fantasy battles.

Iceyl86 said:
If you want a good SW game, play the Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces 2). Its the best! Plus it takes place in the New Republic.

I'm a big fan of the DF series until Outcast, which while a fun game to play (I'm actually replaying it as I write this. It's on pause in my room), it's story is silly and the whole of it is ultimately unsatisfying. Jedi Academy is just an even more shallow game, though I do like the fact it allows you to "make" your own Jedi.
LeHah said:
I'm a big fan of the DF series until Outcast, which while a fun game to play (I'm actually replaying it as I write this. It's on pause in my room), it's story is silly and the whole of it is ultimately unsatisfying. Jedi Academy is just an even more shallow game, though I do like the fact it allows you to "make" your own Jedi.

Agreed. I thought Outcast really screwed up the whole storyline for the series. It just wasn't interesting. They really need to move on from the Valley of the Jedi. I also thought the Mysteries of the Sith expansion didn't do much for the series either. That said, I didn't enjoy Jedi Academy very much either. Although, the satisfaction I receive from using Force Grip on my helpless foes is unparalleled.
I agree with what LeHah says completely about the X-Box, the content for it just stinks. Most of the games you can get on another system - and all of them are available in some form on PC.

The only reason to get an Xbox is if you're a Star Wars Fan with a cheap computer. Battlefront, Republic Commando, and the KOTOR series all are available for the X-Box, but not any other consoles.

Myself, I prefer largely the PS consoles over the Xbox, but for Star Wars gaming...

Anyway, I spent some time playing KOTOR II and found the interface to clunky for my use. In KOTOR the interface was so simple and intuitive I didn't have any problems learning how it worked, but in KOTOR II I played the tutorial through twice and still never figured it out. In addition, though the increased character interfaction was nice, the plot seemed to drag more then the original, and it did very much feel like a rushed game.

I never ended up finishing it - probably never will - but I play KOTOR still all the time, even though I've beaten it with probably every combination of endings possible. I will always love KOTOR, and I appreciate that they tired again with KOTOR II, but it really doesn't hold its own when compared to the original.

The Dark Forces series was okay, I agree, until it got to Outcast. Outcast just felt like a remake of the SW Novels....Evil Imperial on the Rise...threatening the Jedi Academy...

I think Jedi Academy had a slightly better plot and the ability to create your own Jedi was neat too. In addition, outfitting characters for the missions was fun as well. I enjoyed Outcast, and I think it's truly a fun game to play - but it's not as challenging as Jedi Knight, the puzzles aren't as good, and let's face it, dueling in Jedi Knight was TOUGH. Outcast seems to just be a massive click fest.

Multiplayer wise I don't think they hold up Jedi Knight you had a slew of weapons at your disposal, and the Lightsaber wasn't the all powerful weapon Outcast made it out to be. Outcast multiplayer matches tend to be dominated by lightsaber wielding people who never pick up a good blaster. Still, if you get a few of your friends on the same server with a few Imperial Repeaters...but as Monkey Island would say, I digress.

I think Academy, in addition to the customizable characters, better adjusted for the Star Wars universe. Part of this is that it IS the Academy, you get sent on missions. You go places, and uncover things. The randomness of each map being on a differant planet makes a bit more sense, instead of having to piece together various environments (like the original Jedi Knight did...that plot didn't flow so much as it skipped from one place to another).

Probably why I enjoyed Academy more - the feeling of being a single Jedi sent out on a mission to do something is a pleasent one, and connects more with what we see in the books and movies.

What I'd really like to see is some sort of game - not online, mind you - that mixes and matches the parts of the Star Wars universe that we see...something where you need a lightsaber a blaster and an X-Wing to get you to the end of the game. IMO that's what's really holding back the Games from fitting into the EU...though I was encouraged by the inclusion of Kyle Katarn in the NJO and post NJO series of books, not only as a character but as a Jedi Master on the Council. NJO even brought back Keyen Farlander from the X-Wing Strategy Guide & Farlander Papers. I know people hate NJO and I'm not trying to start a discussion - just mentioning it in the context of how Star Wars games fit into the Star Wars universe, and the EU as a whole.

Most people don't know but KOTOR actually follows a comic book series set around the same time (4000 years BBY) that covers the rise and fall of the Sith Empire and explains the backstory for that Darker Side of the Force. KOTOR, I think, did a good job of capturing that era and that feeling, as well as the general feelings of the Jedi order, and what being a Jedi is all about...KOTOR II just felit like a cheap attempt to capitalize on the sucess of KOTOR, and rather then fitting with the SW universe or even contributing something useful to the Story it felt like a way to tie up loose ends rather then give us something more, something new.

I don't know - maybe it's just me.
Jason_Ryock said:
I agree with what LeHah says completely about the X-Box, the content for it just stinks. Most of the games you can get on another system - and all of them are available in some form on PC.

That's not at all accurate. Inferior versions of many games are available for the PS2 and sometimes Gamecube. Only a fraction of its games are available on the PC, and just as many are worse as are better there. There are also dozens and dozens are really great XBox exclusive titles.

Jason_Ryock said:
The only reason to get an Xbox is if you're a Star Wars Fan with a cheap computer. Battlefront, Republic Commando, and the KOTOR series all are available for the X-Box, but not any other consoles.

Battlefront is also available on the PS2. There are lots of reasons to get an XBox, besides the exclusive games. Some games and game types control better. Some have better graphics. Virtually all with an online multiplayer component are better on XBox Live than the alternatives. There are better audio/video options. It's not very expensive and it's more hassle free than other things. That's fine if you prefer one or another way of playing games, but there are oustanding reasons for having every console and PC. Limiting yourself to just one or blindly criticizing others will cut you off from the majority of great games and gaming opportunities currently available.
Well, between the Cube, the PS2 and the PC, I have 99% of the good games in the Xbox. I've missed ninja gaiden, steel batallion and... I don't know, some sports and racing games (which aren't very interesting to me anyway).

I personally enjoy FPS games and stuff like Splinter Cell a lot better on my PC. So, for ME, the Xbox is kinda useless.
That's always been the issue for me, too - I have both the PC and X-Box versions of KOTOR, and the PC Version appeals to me more mostly due to the control issues. But I've never noticied any significant improvement for graphics over the X-Box compared to what you can get out of a high-end PC system.

Also, I haven't limited myself to the Xbox, but for most of the games that can be played on it, I prefer them on another system - namely the PC. Primarily for control purposes - I've never taken well to using the analog control sticks on the Console Controllers to do any number of things, but paticularly I have this problem with any sort of flight dynamics.

I much preferred Crimson Sky on my PC then on the Xbox for the sole reason that it gave me the ability to use a Joystick for operation.

While I own Battlefront, and the entire Splinter Cell series for the Xbox, I never engage in multiplayer play with any of my games. This is more due to personal choice then anything else - but I tend to find that with any sort of multiplayer games there is one accepted strategy that is the way you do things all the time - game play in multiplayer tends to be less dynamic then single player, where you have some more direct control over how things play out.

Of course, most of my multiplayer experiance is with RTS games, so I'm necessarily limited in my opinion - but a good example would be Jedi Outcast, where everyone runs around with lightsabers all the time. That's part of the reason I enjoy Battlefront so much, and hate Battlefront II.

I won't say that all the games on the X-Box are the same on other systems...but I will say that the majority of Star Wars games have been released on the Xbox or the PC...and once again, if you don't have a high end PC (as I do not) it's much better to pick up an Xbox if you're a Star Wars fan then the other systems.

I do think that the Xbox picked up on a good idea with it's unified multiplayer service, and I am disgusted to see that the Playstation will not be doing the same thing. IMO this seriously undercuts the capabilites of the PS3.
Jason_Ryock said:
I much preferred Crimson Sky on my PC then on the Xbox for the sole reason that it gave me the ability to use a Joystick for operation.

You can get an XBox joystick too. Crimson Sky was also one of the stellar XBOX exclusive titles. It was a whole new game, not a port of the older PC title.

Jason_Ryock said:
While I own Battlefront, and the entire Splinter Cell series for the Xbox, I never engage in multiplayer play with any of my games. I tend to find that with any sort of multiplayer games there is one accepted strategy that is the way you do things all the time - game play in multiplayer tends to be less dynamic then single player, where you have some more direct control over how things play out.

Multiplayer is the more dynamic specifically because you have less direct control over the whole battlefield. There are so many more unpredictable elements going on when you introduce a bunch of live players. Maybe you don't like that, but not liking the concept of multiplayer because there's only one boring way to do it doesn't make sense. I only play Splinter Cell online in cooperative mode. I've never been able to stand the single player experience, but completing the entire game with ace was incredible.

Jason_Ryock said:
Of course, most of my multiplayer experiance is with RTS games, so I'm necessarily limited in my opinion - but a good example would be Jedi Outcast, where everyone runs around with lightsabers all the time. That's part of the reason I enjoy Battlefront so much, and hate Battlefront II.

Yeah, RTS game experience doesn't apply outside the strategy genre. Build orders and worker rushes are meaningless beyond Command & Conquer or Starcraft. Jedi Outcast just sounds like a poorly balanced game. Any decent FPS gives you 5-10 guns that all excel in a rock->paper->scissors fashion so there is never any one weapon that people always use.

Jason_Ryock said:
I do think that the Xbox picked up on a good idea with it's unified multiplayer service, and I am disgusted to see that the Playstation will not be doing the same thing. IMO this seriously undercuts the capabilites of the PS3.

Yeah, it's quite a shame. The newer services involving demo downloads, game accomplishments, Live game tv, separate chats and things like that have really made something like XBox Live pretty critical to me.

Edfilho said:
I personally enjoy FPS games and stuff like Splinter Cell a lot better on my PC. So, for ME, the Xbox is kinda useless.

Yeah, of course, that's fine. If you have good reasons for skipping one or another system, that works. It's just silly to yell out "GAMECUBE SUX ~~~!!!" without backing it up.
ChrisReid said:
I only play Splinter Cell online in cooperative mode. I've never been able to stand the single player experience, but completing the entire game with ace was incredible.

I must admit that the single big reason that I wanted an Xbox was to play games with you guys. I've had more than my fair share of online playing and a lot of the time it's horrible. People are disruptive or are off exploiting bugs or what-have-you. If I log onto a MP game, I want to play some good, fun games - not have to fight over sever rules or clan crapola.

ChrisReid said:
Jedi Outcast just sounds like a poorly balanced game.

JO is a mixed bag. The levels that came with the game aren't especially fun; the Nar Shaadda level is pretty awful because you'll jump somewhere and some jerk hiding the next level up will force push you and you'll miss your mark entirely, killing you in a fall. (I have similar gripes about snipers in games, especially UT and CS. Yeah, I've been known to pick it up and have my fun but some people just sit there and take it to excess until the point of the game changes from having fun to "kill that goddamned sniper".)
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