Kilrathi Saga hits the $510.00 mark

Don't forget EA pulls the strings. But even then, they say don't steal our stuff, so we don't steal their stuff. And I'm sorry, but the "I live in the Netherlands" argument doesn't count. Because I have gotten lots of stuff off ebay.
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How does the fact that I can't possible get a copy not count as an argument?! Also, it's nice to see you've got a long list of stuff, but how does that help me?
For further references, Kris lives in Belgium, so it's not like he lives in the all mighty US and can get everything from ebay...
I know Kris lives in Belgium (I can read a profile too), and I'm happy for him that he's been able to get those games. However I'm in a situation right now that if I want to get a copy of KS I don't know where I supposed to find it.
The whole point is that you don't need KS. You can just get an original WCI and II (or one of the duo packs) from eBay or someplace for $10.
Fine whatever. I'm growing tired of this discussion. The whole abondonware issue has already been discussed elsewhere. I have an old orignal of WC1, but my primary interest is in Privateer, of which I have an original copy as well.