Kilrathi ranks

I am glad this is settled.
And it is indeed very important to be educated classically.
I think if English is your mother language, you should know what all those abbreviations like "e.g., i.e., cf ,etc.".
Yeah. But they should think about the problem what classic education means in our time. This cannot mean to learn just old things which were also teached 10 years ago..This is a long time especially in the sciences. Too long.
It doesn't matter that eg and ie cam from Latin. It's all very nice and interesting that they left us with some useful abbreviations and I thank them for beginning western civilization as we know it and their contributions to modern life. I probably wouldn't be what I'm doing now without them. But at the same time studying about how great they were is pretty damned pointless. It's no longer directly relevant to our world. How many people actually speak Latin in everyday life? I can almost guarantee it's nobody sane. I know a couple of people who actually learnt Latin and they don't remember jack. Why? They never use it! Real useful huh?

People should be made aware of the classics and they should learn enough to appreciate them but further study should be left to the induvidual. I don't propose getting rid of them, merely making compulsary subjects relevant and up-to-date. Understanding and appreciating OUR world at PRESENT is much more important than fully understanding and appreciating what the world once was. We certainly don't have a lack of worth while acomplishments that we can't fill a school syllibus.

Let's see the ancient Greeks split an atom or manipulate matter at a sub-atomic level.
That's exactly what I wanted to say. But how to make it become real (if I think of the town I live in and it's finacial situation...). Maybe some years after I left school, the next generations of students will learn things which are more actual. (I mean, which are mixed). If they will ever have the possibility to pay for the education. But this will only happen if they ever understand that we are the future and they have to do something for us.
"We must be thought all that was learned in the past before we can understand what is happening in the present and before we can prepare to learn anew in the future" Robert "TheDuke" Richards III the 13th duke of Malburo
Well, the old duke has point there :).
And Manjana, I know what you mean. In my school the teachers in the subject "PC-programming" (it is not called that way but I do not know how to translate it) are so unaccustomed with new technologies (like computers :)) , we learn to program with Delphi 4.
Yeah,we'll also begin with Delphi next month. At the moment we still write programs in Turbo Pascal (what we exactly do since 3 years...again and again). I can not see this language any more!