K-rathi fictions

a few more

Here are some big stations.


  • K-rathi Base 09.jpg
    K-rathi Base 09.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 199
  • K-rathi Base 10.jpg
    K-rathi Base 10.jpg
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  • K-rathi Base 11.jpg
    K-rathi Base 11.jpg
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My favorite's the Jalkehi (image kf-11) ... I also like the Mining Hauler, Kilrathi DD-1 (looks a bit like a few alien warp-capable ships from various star-trek eps).

The cargo-pod ship (first post) looks like a tan colored kilrathi version of the main ship from Star Control 2.

What are the 4 pods for the Cutter? Looks like a sensor pod (or maybe an ECM jammer), a missile/torpedo (or perhaps fighter) pod, a large landing pod (marine/crew transport?) and a cargo/fuel pod.

The KF-06 (forth set of images) reminds me heavily of a Macross Veritech cause of the stretched-hexagon-shaped back.

The "K-F not mine" is interesting... what is it, a fighter with mine-laying, or mine-throwing, or mine-collecting/disarming abilities? That large triangular hole/pocket in the lower center looks like it would be a good spot to pop mines out (for precision placement) or in (for collection/removal)... or even as one big bay for a super-sized missile or super-gun or something (would be an interesting concept... some kind of capital-ship level weapon designed for a fighter but as such designed to only be used for 1 to 3 shots before its battery is dead. A large energy-based weapon would be faster to fire than a torpedo (no 30-second target-lock) ...
... imagine... you show up with just a few of these ships, and then at any point your near their big ships you can just quickly turn, point at them, and fire off of one or two quick rounds of heavy power (something akin to a ship-to-ship anti-matter turret) and then you're right back into fighter-vs-fighter combat. No need for a slow target lock, or a slow-moving missile or torpedo that could be shot down. And cause its an energy-based attack, you don't need to worry bout matching shield phases or whatnot cause then instead of doing structure damage you just blast a huge hole into the shields and your wing-mate then uses his super-shot to make the kill (or you do it yourself if your super-gun has enough battery/fuel to do 2 or 3 shots).
Great models :) I love the two Battlecruiser or Battleship designs. I would use them as a counterpart for the Jutland and Gettysburg Confed ships ;)
A better view at new K-Rathi fiction ships


  • K-rathi Fleet 0C.jpg
    K-rathi Fleet 0C.jpg
    979.6 KB · Views: 187
  • KS- Mining Ore Hauler Mk2 01.jpg
    KS- Mining Ore Hauler Mk2 01.jpg
    737.2 KB · Views: 189
  • KS- Rigakh 01.jpg
    KS- Rigakh 01.jpg
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  • KSr- CA 01.jpg
    KSr- CA 01.jpg
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  • KSr- CL 01.jpg
    KSr- CL 01.jpg
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  • KSr- cvs 01.jpg
    KSr- cvs 01.jpg
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  • KSr- dc 01.jpg
    KSr- dc 01.jpg
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  • KSr- df 01.jpg
    KSr- df 01.jpg
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Deathsnake needs help texture ship if you can help out contact him. here are some of my K-Rathi fictions models in lightwave v5.5


K-Rathi toon ships


  • Kilrathi Agon Ra Sivar DN 01.jpg
    Kilrathi Agon Ra Sivar DN 01.jpg
    737.6 KB · Views: 184
  • K-multransport 00.jpg
    K-multransport 00.jpg
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  • K-multransport 01.jpg
    K-multransport 01.jpg
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  • Kilrathi toon jump buey 01.jpg
    Kilrathi toon jump buey 01.jpg
    545.5 KB · Views: 168
  • K-multransport 02.jpg
    K-multransport 02.jpg
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  • K-Rathi ships04.zip
    K-Rathi ships04.zip
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  • k toon 00A.jpg
    k toon 00A.jpg
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The Fleet K-rathi
Ship of the line


  • K-Fleet class .jpg
    K-Fleet class .jpg
    642.3 KB · Views: 173
  • K-FE 0.jpg
    K-FE 0.jpg
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  • Kilrathi tug toon 00.jpg
    Kilrathi tug toon 00.jpg
    239.3 KB · Views: 147
  • K-FF0.jpg
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  • KSr - CVS.jpg
    KSr - CVS.jpg
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Some more models


  • K-Rathi ships05.zip
    K-Rathi ships05.zip
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  • K-toon Gun Boat 0.jpg
    K-toon Gun Boat 0.jpg
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  • K-toon Dokbarhi .jpg
    K-toon Dokbarhi .jpg
    656.3 KB · Views: 163
  • K-toon Dokbarhi pods.jpg
    K-toon Dokbarhi pods.jpg
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  • K-toon Tug Boat.jpg
    K-toon Tug Boat.jpg
    438.5 KB · Views: 153

Your model is now texture with the help of Zohrath and FekLeyrTarg

Still need to texture the Hangar then it should be done ;)
All models post here are free to use what ever you want to use them for.:p

Some K-rathi Astroids bases/ ship yards.

