Just You Opinion

Originally posted by Wedge009
Eder, are you working on Standoff alone now that Thomas has gone?

Yeah, I'm afraid I am. I'm sure I can count on Q and Pedro to help me with mission programming in the future, though... but right now I definitely need another artirst guy to help me with textures and, most importantly, pre-rendered video sequences. JarJarThomas had just sent me the first of his comm video animations a few days before he quit the project, and I must say that I am very impressed with how lifelike he managed to make my simple human models.

thats probably it (I guess its the Broadsword I like so much then and its cool paint job. actually all the fighters in wc2 had cool paint jobs) Quarto but did Blair get escorted to the jump point by Doomsday. (must of been the reason I thought Doomsday died cause I didn't remember him with me the whole time thru the mission) I also felt mighty overwhelmed, and outgunned on that mission and abadoned. Thats the only wc game I haven't beaten. Well I'm in the process of beating UE but I haven't finished that either.
You could be thinking about the Crossbow Bomber, but that was only available in the Specials Operations addon.
Hey , I saw these posts of Eder and I get angry!

Eder, your textures are great man! really and honest!
What are you talking about that you dont like the textures?

Listen to this , cause its real: I never could imagine eg the Rapier2 (which is perfect in 3D!!) fit with the other ships from Wc3 and on.

Even in the FanArt the design is cool but the textures are so..cartoonish and unreal!(an exception to Sadic!). When I first saw Standoff I was very impressed!
The Textures are great.

All the people agrees with that! Dont question yourself.
Now if you think that they are still cartoonish...I dont know they are already great no need for improvement

I think that the Wc2 ships look cartoonish cause of its colors and not the design!This greenish....its not metallic like the Wc3-SO ships

Sorry Im off-topic but I wanted to say these....
Hey how hard would it have been to incorporate cutscenes like in wc 1 and 2 into the secret ops mods to tell the story? I always liked being debriefed at the end of a mission by a real character and not a computer stat screen.
The effort is in making the cutscenes... not playing them back. One has to actually make the video clips...
well the fiction viewer is the next best thing and I like it. Its Like fly a mission read part of a book fly a mission read part of a book.
it lends it self to a cool twist on a pick a path adventure that we all read as kids. (It also could be classified as the first true interactive book) I know the aces club did the holding the line series I wonder if those could be adapted to play like the way UE did it? (As I know those are only fiction no flying.) or how bout trying to adapt the books that were written based on the universe but not directly on one of the games?:D
Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
(It also could be classified as the first true interactive book)

Secret Ops did the same thing... and there are, of course, text based adventure games which are definately like interactive books and have been around for decades.
Originally posted by TC
Secret Ops did the same thing... and there are, of course, text based adventure games which are definately like interactive books and have been around for decades.

Yeah I know but zork it wasn't the best in my opinion for an example for a true Interactive book as it really isn't that interactive. (open door, door is locked, look around, theres a candle a box a picture, move picture, command not recognised, open box, key inside, pick up key, use key in door, door unlocked, and so on. not my idea of fun.) and yeah secret ops did it but only after each episode, not every mission like UE and there wasn't much in between missions to move the story along atleast in the first episode as that was the only one I was able to play.
So I stand by my statement as it was the first true interactive book.
Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
Yeah I know but zork it wasn't the best in my opinion for an example for a true Interactive book as it really isn't that interactive. (open door, door is locked, look around, theres a candle a box a picture, move picture, command not recognised, open box, key inside, pick up key, use key in door, door unlocked, and so on. not my idea of fun.)

You obviously haven't played any of the really good text based adventures...
no I have, I just didn't like them. the closest game that comes to mind that is sort of like a interactive book is the Gabriel Knight Games but it was a click on something game though. If you mean Rpgs like morrowind which has six full novels in it doesn't count in this catagory either as it is classiefied as an RPG. Text based adventures also don't lend it self well to the depth of a being a dedicated book as well. UE for example allows for you to play your mission and your gonna get a set in stone result of a book depending on performance. (did you lose obj. or win it.)
No... Games like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (which is really rather masochistic but entertaining...) Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Planetfall... There are also the rather nice graphical adventure games put out by LucasArts... gems like the Monkey Island series, Sam and Max and other great games.
I think you are getting my definition of interactive book messed up

my Def. is:
interactive book something you play and accomplish your task, then read a paragraph that reflects what the results were of what took place during game play. Like reading a paperback book in the wc series and visulizing you were there, you were the pilot flying the ship and you made the choices then when you landed the book takes over again to tell some more of the story.
as opposed to previously mentioned text based adventure games where you do some stuff... and something important happens, so you read a paragraph or two of text... then you puzzle about... read another couple of paragraphs of text... put a towel over your head... read yet another paragraph of text... manage to keep the babelfish from going into the god-damned hole... listen to some vogon poetry...
yep they are like books but are not like books as if you make a choice get a line make another choice get a line, thats a text based game not technically a book as you won't find them in a book store.. I'm talking in the since of like your actually sitting there reading a paperback book and then you get to perform a major task and have to make a choice and then you continue to page so and so if you did this or that. and really its a choir to continue to sit there and make slow paced choices. maybe I should say Its the first ever true action interactive book. its sorta like how they consider dragons lair the first interactive movie.