Just gotta say..

Well both, I split between the two his version and the version on Youtube,though the version here is definitley more: 'compact' plus I checked the alternate endings, missing clips from there as well which was interesting..
The CIC Holovids section has quite a bit of material as well, out takes, behind the scenes, missing scenes, etc.
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Wouldn't it be better to just play the games? WC3/WC4's gameplay wasn't too fun, but stil...
Flying wasn't nearly as fun as in the others. There were a lot of good ideas in there though, like the camera mission in WC4.
Flying wasn't nearly as fun as in the others. There were a lot of good ideas in there though, like the camera mission in WC4.

Disagree with this. I thought the flying engine in WC3/4, especially 4, was the best of the series (possibly excepting Standoff, if you count a fan-mod as part of the series)...primarily because of the AI. I swear that Origin somehow fit tinly little people into my computer to fly the opposing fighters in WC4...the AI was that good. And you had to do intelligent maneuvers in different situations like in WC1/2. Far better than Prophecy's "hold down the afterburner button, turn towards the red dot, and spray fire at all the bugs" model.
Can't disagree with that. WC3 seemed to make the most out of the Vaktoth too, though my best AI award would go to Armada.

As for Prophecy, it was amazing. Sure you were fighting endless hordes of stupid bugs, but it was just so sleek and fun.
Can't disagree with that. WC3 seemed to make the most out of the Vaktoth too, though my best AI award would go to Armada.

As for Prophecy, it was amazing. Sure you were fighting endless hordes of stupid bugs, but it was just so sleek and fun.

I didn't mind WC4s fighting. Maybe its just me, but WC3 always seemed to move a bit slower then any other the others.
I remember the AI in Armada doing a good job of maximizing the strengths of 'their' fighters - that impressed me for the time.

Occasionally, I would even get frustrated to the point where I would 'cheat.' I would only equip one fighter on my carrier (usually a Banshee,) and simply fly in circles to let the flak take care of the enemies. This only worked, though, because the AI wouldn't launch torpedoes until you were destroyed!
Oh yes, Armada's flak was very powerful. If your fighter was damaged enough it was more or less impossible to get your torpedo away before being destroyed. Luckily you didn't have to wait to see if it hit just launch it and boom!, map won.

That said, according to the maunal the Kilrathi carrier has two flak cannons more - does it really do more damage, has anyone looked into that?

BTW, I'm with Dyret, I think WC3 (WC 4 less so) had the weakest gameplay.
Our impression of the AI depends on a lot more than just its flying abilities. I mean, ultimately, the AI is programming code, and we can imagine that, like any other aspect of the game engine, it got better with every WC game - certainly, everything else did, and if you look at how mission (and, by extension, AI) scriptability advanced between Armada, WC3/4 and WCP/SO, it's just implausible that the AI didn't make the same progress.

I think, if the WC4 AI seems better than WCP's, it's because the two games are oriented towards different gameplay. In WC4, you hardly ever face more than four or five enemies at one time. It takes just a single missile to kill you. Obviously, then, the AI will feel extremely tough - it only needs to fire off one guided missile in order to get you. In WCP, the game is balanced completely differently. A bug can fire five missiles at you, all of them will hit you and... so what? You're still alive. Naturally, then, it feels like the AI is inferior. But ask yourself this - how often do you get hit by unguided DF missiles in WC3/4? Because the WCP AI is easily capable of this...

The same goes for Armada - its AI is extremely, extremely limited compared to WCP. ELTEE says it did a good job of maximising its ship strengths - but that's not true at all. In a one-on-one fight, all it ever did was fly around in circles, and its only strength was that Armada had crazy speeds and four-sided shields, so shooting down an Arrow or a Dralthi seemed harder than in other games. And no matter what ship you went up against, the basic flying strategy was the same - make sure you're slower than the enemy ship, and blast away at it while it circles around you trying (unsuccessfully) to hit you. You can't possibly praise the AI in a game where the trick to shooting down a heavy fighter using a light fighter is to give up the light fighter's speed advantage and fly slower than the heavy fighter.
(...) And no matter what ship you went up against, the basic flying strategy was the same - make sure you're slower than the enemy ship, and blast away at it while it circles around you trying (unsuccessfully) to hit you.(...)


I never tried that


Well with WC3, most of the time I'd fast forward the combat scenes unless there was something HUGE goin on that meant it had to be watched, I felt most of the 'action' was in the custscenes..if the movie version wasn't available then I may have more likely tried to install it again more sooner, but if there is a DVD quality version of the game posted ready to see, WHO would pass that oppurtunity up?
Gameplay not fun???

Hells BELLS.

Wing Commander IV remains, to this day, my favorite game on any system ever. Can't reach that status if it ain't a fully immersive, fun as hell game. But that's just me, I guess.

WC3 rules, all of it, but WC4 rules just a wee bit harder.
Gameplay not fun???

Hells BELLS.

Wing Commander IV remains, to this day, my favorite game on any system ever. Can't reach that status if it ain't a fully immersive, fun as hell game. But that's just me, I guess.

WC3 rules, all of it, but WC4 rules just a wee bit harder.
WC3 and WC4 were easily equals (only WC1 and WC2 are above them, and both of those are on the same level).

The only thing I didn't like about WC4 was the lack of a cockpit. To me it deteriorated the realism a slight bit. I really liked the cockpits of WC1-WC3.
ELTEE says it did a good job of maximising its ship strengths - but that's not true at all. You can't possibly praise the AI in a game where the trick to shooting down a heavy fighter using a light fighter is to give up the light fighter's speed advantage and fly slower than the heavy fighter.

I think you're reading a bit too far into my short statement. The game impressed me for the time. Armada's AI was clearly not the BEST of the WC universe - I just felt that it utilized a different approach and required different thinking to defeat than the enemy fighters in entries to date in the series. I thought Armada was a nice change in pace.

I will concede that it has been sometime since I have played the game. I was much younger, so perhaps I would find the AI completely inadquate now. That said, I recently replayed WC1 and WC2 and still felt challenged on certain missions.

Sometimes looking at things from purely a programming perspective can lead to an oversimplified conclusion. I mean, c'mon, what's wrong with flying in circles? :p