Jumping (The inter-system sort)

No, I was always a seize the moment kind of guy! After all you rush in...

"Guards...seize that man!" God I love Tolwyn!
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Paladin, you idiot!
Indeed. It was clear that when Tolwyn told him about Blair's 'defection' that he was confused and unsure. He should have at least been curious as to what Blair had to say after slugging through Earth's defences.
Especially considering hat Blair and he were close friends. I was really disappointed whne I saw Paladin doing this. :(
Originally posted by Chameleon102
Whatya mean you try to avoid killing Confed and the Militia....bet you got far in WC4.


Heh. First time I played the game, I shot everything that moved, whether they were BW ships while I was with Confed or Confed ships when I was with the Border Worlds.

Once I realied what was going on though, and the Confed and the BW were just pawns in Tolwyn's plan, I tried to keep the death count to a minium in later games. That included taking the BW fighters instead of wasting the cruiser, leeching the Lexinton, and choosing to run past Ella. I also avoided torping any capship unless I had to do it to win the mission. It's certainly more challenging than the "kill 'em all" approach, but it's not impossible to win the game that way.

Best, Raptor
Yeah but in the real world when you kill anything in your sights and find out they're not the real bad guys, you can't just insert CD1 and start again. :(
Originally posted by Unforgiven
Yeah but in the real world when you kill anything in your sights and find out they're not the real bad guys, you can't just insert CD1 and start again. :(

More's the reason for pilots with a CONSCIENCE!
Originally posted by mpanty
You're a real boy-scout, Raptor... ;)

Not that it really matters, but I AM a boyscout. :) And a soldier with a conscience is not always such a bad thing, cause it usually means that lives are saved, and that's always for the better. But then again, the soldier doesn't always know everything, and following orders might just be better, no matter how much the theoretical soldier's conscience is against it.

Now, I may be wrong, so if I am please do tell. :(
I'm not saying that pilots with a conscience are bad, just that shooting everything that moves and then feeling bad about it may be the wrong order.
And to add some also completely useless information: I used to be a sea-scout.
Originally posted by Unforgiven

And to add some also completely useless information: I used to be a sea-scout.
Really? What's that? Preservation of the sea littoral? That's very noble... I like a lot the sea myself... :)
Originally posted by Raptor
First time I played the game, I shot everything that moved, whether they were BW ships while I was with Confed or Confed ships when I was with the Border Worlds.
Me too, even now, because I love the kill count and it is, after all, 'just' a game. Naturally, if I were really a pilot in a time of such tension, I would take great lengths to avoid actual 'kills' on both sides.

But I do prefer to leech the Lexington and run past Ella. Who am I kidding? Making Panther happy is the key motivation. :)
Ordinarily I dislike such whiny-attitudes like Panther's but I went with her most of the time too, since I couldn't support Kilrathi-hating Hawk. ;)
I guess I'm just a softy at heart, but Panther's choices always seemed to be ones that I would have chosen myself. After all, we were the "good guys", and such coices as saving the civilians and leaving Ella in one piece seemed natural to me.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Raptor
True. I always hoped the impossible would happen and Panther would make me happy as well. :)
Man... you guys are sad... :p (but on this matter, so am I, I guess... <g> )