Jumping (The inter-system sort)

Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
You can befriend the Kilrathi not only by killing Confed/Miltita but also by just flattering them over comm and begging for your miserable life.
I don't think flattering the Cats has any effect on them being friendly towards you...
Actually, it does. I didn't think so at first either, but you can beg for mercy several times, and eventually they'll become friendly, or at least neutral, which is sufficient for my purposes. The only faction which do not respond to option 3 on the comm is the Retros. Unless you're on a mission, in which case certain enemies cannot be commed into submission.
The funny thing is that the only battles you can't talk your way through are the ones in the defend base missions, in the bounty hunting missions, or in some cargo runs where militia/confed patrols are supposed to catch you carrying contraband. You can always accept "patrol system X for pirate/kilrathi activity" type of missions and complete them without killing a single pirate/kilrathi... I guess those stupid fixers should be more specific in their mission summaries if they want you to actually do something about the enemies you find, huh? :p

Hey, I wasn't complaining about the patrol missions when I was in a crummy Tarsus. If I couldn't talk my way out of a battle, I could run and still complete the patrol. Of course, the enemies which are designated to that mission follow you around, which can be a problem if you're in a slow ship, like the Tarsus, and still have 7 nav points to hit!
Not to mention that sometimes the enemies "cheat": when you try to AB away from them, some "magically" maintain a constant distance between you and their ship, if if you're waaaaay faster...

The normal enemy simply stops the pursuit after a while...
Seven nav points really is a lot... I'd rather hang around Saxtogue for a little longer. :D

They stop and turn back once your more than 15000 from a nav point.

In RF, I've completely outrun pursuing militia ship in my Centurion with a speed upgrade. :) (I try to avoid killing Confed and Militia)

Eder: I'm thinking of where you start in Troy. Plenty of nav points for a patrol there which is good for cash, but bad if you pick up the 'mission' enemies early in the patrol.
And my point was (correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a long time since I played Privateer) that there are no 'mission' enemies in patrol missions, you can just talk your way through, hit all navpoints, and come back for the cash... unless of course you run into Retros or something.

Originally posted by Wedge009
They stop and turn back once your more than 15000 from a nav point.
Not all of them... most of them...
On some plot missions, they "stick" to you like glue until you've jumped out of the system... :mad:
Anyone found the Troy-New Detroit run very profitable ??
specially when you upgrade your Tarsus with a jumpdrive and choose 3 merchant missions or 2 and a computer one )
Originally posted by Wedge009

Been there, done that. 'Mission' enemies can't be commed into being friendly.

Aw :(. I guess, I just ran away then :) .I remember clearly the mission where I ran from all those Kilrathi who tried to get Dr. Monkhouse (or what's his name?).
I try to avoid killing Kilrathi...
Cat lover. ;)

Eder, what mpanty referred to was what I meant by 'mission' enemies. And even Retros return to the navpoint if you run away, provided they're 'normal' enemies.

The Troy-New Detroit trade route is profitable, but I prefer to find others since I despise asteroids so much.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Eder, what mpanty referred to was what I meant by 'mission' enemies.

Oh, in that case, I should have shut up long ago... guess I'll do that now :)

Well using the leech gun and leech missles, you'd only occasionally have to kill. In some missions things wouldn't happen until you went back and killed the ships you leeched, but you could usually keep the death count fairly low.
When you played that, did you pick You're not sucking me in of Two can play that game?

And how many chose Attack Tolwyn!? :)
I was always very consertive, so I think I go for "not sucking me in" and "dance around" choices. Of course, I would have stuffed up with choosing "Careful, fools rush in" if my cousin hadn't told me otherwise...
Of course, the first time I played I chose "careful, only fools rush in" because WC had encouraged before always the 'nice and safe' way. But since that traumatic experience (Paladin, you idiot!) I chose the more aggressive statements in WC4.