It's Here!

lol very funny loaf but I'm no mr t I just did midievil sword fighting in high school..well private school but let's just say the armour was very heavy so that's why the cross seams like nothing to me after all that.:)
Dang I want one

I really want one of those, but I have never gotten around to putting forth the funds. besides, my non-wing commander friends would make fun of me.

Anything for the glory of Wing Commander! Bring the teasing on! Common mock if you must this cross is being worn!
exactly why should it matter, I go to Arizona State University and no one says a thing but then again I do where it under my shirt and those who do see it say it's pretty cool

Damn I want one so bad. My friend was supposed to get me one from Bud K, but they were on back order. I ended up never getting it. Pisses me off.
Re: Dang I want one

Originally posted by pygmypiranha
...besides, my non-wing commander friends would make fun of me.

You should make fun of your non-wing commander friends because they're non-wing commander :D

Money resources low. Credit card payment required. :( Bah! Credit cards annoy me. How come we have to pay the money anyway? j/k

I need money. But I know that I will certainly get it ASAP. Is it worth the money? I mean is it a good investment? It seems everyone is trying to get rid of them on eBay and stuff.

Yea there aren't too many Kilrathi walking around during the Kilrathi hunting season so hunters aren't too apt to purchase them. Hehehe j/k gotcha
Originally posted by Happy
they put them on ebay as they are not a hot local item to sell in an army surplus store.:rolleyes:

Heehee, I'm just imagining that one-armed army guy on the simpsons trying to sell one of those crosses. Is it functional? I mean, does the blade pop out, or is it fixed?

That would be really hillarious. Think if the baby from Family Guy got ahold of one. LOL now that would certainly be a riot. that kid is always trying to take over the world.

Originally posted by pygmypiranha
I need money. But I know that I will certainly get it ASAP. Is it worth the money? I mean is it a good investment? It seems everyone is trying to get rid of them on eBay and stuff.

The ones on eBay are surplus being sold off by a knife store.