
Originally posted by Happy
almost a good come back except american POWs are not an oppressed people, the are, Peoples Of War, ie, captive until the end of the war.
Right, now you've got it. American POWs spent their time trying to escape rather than work, in spite of not being too badly oppressed by their captors, and in spite of knowing that eventually they'd be released anyway. Why do you expect something different from the Palestinians, who are more oppressed, and who don't know if they'll ever be free?

There is a great, great irony in Americans saying the Palestinians should stop fighting and get back to work. I guess you must be really, really glad that people who think like you weren't around to advise George Washington in the 18th century.
Originally posted by Quarto
Right, now you've got it. American POWs spent their time trying to escape rather than work, in spite of not being too badly oppressed by their captors, and in spite of knowing that eventually they'd be released anyway. Why do you expect something different from the Palestinians, who are more oppressed, and who don't know if they'll ever be free?

There is a great, great irony in Americans saying the Palestinians should stop fighting and get back to work. I guess you must be really, really glad that people who think like you weren't around to advise George Washington in the 18th century.

how can u equate the 18th century to the present?
if ur asking me if the palestinians were wronged, yes i do, but that does not give them the right for homicide bombers.

it is not about wether they r oppressed, it's about how they go about trying to fix it.
u refer to the US revolution, thats completely different. the 13 colonies said in one voice that they no longer recognized Britian as it's governing body. even with the fallowing war, the American Revolution was acceptable by the internatiional law of the day.
murder is not legal by international law TODAY.
Originally posted by Happy
how can u equate the 18th century to the present?
if ur asking me if the palestinians were wronged, yes i do, but that does not give them the right for homicide bombers.
How can you not equate the present to the 18th century? Had the Americans used suicide bombers, would that have justified decades of English occupation and repression? Had the Americans used suicide bombers, would that somehow have made their cause less worthy?

it is not about wether they r oppressed, it's about how they go about trying to fix it.
Bah, screw that. Two wrongs don't make a right. What the Palestinians are doing is wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that they are merely reacting to what Israel is doing.