
Phillip Tanaka

A thread to discuss the suicide bombings in Israel and the military oppression in Palestine. Is Yasser Arafat a terrorist? Is Israel right to retalliate against attacks on their homeland? And how about all of this taking place in Jesus' birthplace, the holy lands of Jeruselum and Betheleham? Go ahead, go buck wild.
The thing with Arafat: I think he has no real control over his people anymore, but it looks like he isn't too much interested in peace either, but the other side too obviously isn't. Terror attacks are a crime to be punished with all force, but the Israeli aren't too much of a help for peace with their random(right word?) actions.
No one is right.
here is what i said about arafat in the other thread, before Phillip's elequent (sp?) cry for us to shut up and get back on topic :D

*Arafat doesn't do shit. he just sits there, playing both sides. if he was gone, the palistanians might get a leader can actually take a position and stick with it, for good or evil. either way, it would probably be better. get a good leader in, might get peace. get an evil leader in, have a war, they lose and keep quite about it for at least a while, which would be good*

now, if Arafat a terrorist. hell yes. is israel right to retalliate. hell yes. is israel right in retalliating they way they do (ie, bombing civies) hell no. and as for all this shit taking place in the holy land, (fyi...Jeruselum is also a holy city to Islam, if ya'll didn't know) i think it's a damn shame they can't treat the place with more respect
the only way for this to end is for people to just stop caring. If the news networks stopped carring the storys, then both sides would not beable to get the exposure they want. then there is no point in bombing.
Originally posted by Happy
the only way for this to end is for people to just stop caring. If the news networks stopped carring the storys, then both sides would not beable to get the exposure they want. then there is no point in bombing.

Hmmmmm...that certainly is an interesting point. It's something that I've thought of with terrorism. Someone like Osama Binladen (however you put it) might watch the news after he makes threats. And he'd watch, and go 'Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!' Some terrorists, like the Chechnyan rebels who stormed the Russian theatre, cause terror for just that purpose, to get on TV with their cause. Somewhere, I can't remember where, maybe Rainbow Six, terrorism is referred to as advertising. I'm not an expert, so I could be wrong, but that might be an apt description for Palestine. A few suicide bombings to provoke Israel, then the media can see them retalliate and Yasser Arafat can cry out how his people are oppressed.
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Hmmmmm...that certainly is an interesting point. It's something that I've thought of with terrorism. Someone like Osama Binladen (however you put it) might watch the news after he makes threats. And he'd watch, and go 'Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!' Some terrorists, like the Chechnyan rebels who stormed the Russian theatre, cause terror for just that purpose, to get on TV with their cause. Somewhere, I can't remember where, maybe Rainbow Six, terrorism is referred to as advertising. I'm not an expert, so I could be wrong, but that might be an apt description for Palestine. A few suicide bombings to provoke Israel, then the media can see them retalliate and Yasser Arafat can cry out how his people are oppressed.

thats right, thats the standard liberal sob story, "i'm oppressed!!!, and it's ur fault!!!!"
Originally posted by Happy
the only way for this to end is for people to just stop caring. If the news networks stopped carring the storys, then both sides would not beable to get the exposure they want. then there is no point in bombing.

CNN not carry a story that the majority of the population doesn't give a rat's ass about? that'll be the day. one of the major goals of network news is infotainment. if the story is sensational, doesn't really effect the people watching it, and best of all, if there is death (not american death) they have to show it on the 6 pm news.
Per...haps you are right. I have become particularly jaded of some of the news at the moment. Not news news but news programes. But since when hasn't the news sensantionalised in order to gain ratings?
i don't know. it is in the SOP for CNN to sensationalize the trival and minimize the important, all in the name of ratings. hell, i thought the news was shown to inform people what was going on in the world that was important, not to inform us of a certain presidents sex life.
Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was standered operating proceadure for a few news and current affairs programmes to sensationalise. Still, they're not as bad as the tabloids, but they come close sometimes.
Originally posted by Happy
thats right, thats the standard liberal sob story, "i'm oppressed!!!, and it's ur fault!!!!"
Yes, except that it happens to be true.
Yeah, poor palestinians, ask them why they need to work in Israel and not in Palestinian territory.
Palestinians are opressed by the evil israelites, bad istaelites, they want all of them dead.
Hey, I have an idea! Lets call Russia and every other nuclear capable country, and set a massive, random target launch for 0000 hours, Feb 1st. In a month, whatever isn't killed by the blasts, will be dead from the fallout. Hey, no more conflict!

The shit in Isreal has been going on since the Hebrews moved in way back when. If it hasn't changed over a few milenia, I don't think it's going to change now.

And when it does change, well I'll let Preacher take over the rant...
Originally posted by Quarto
Yes, except that it happens to be true.

yes, both sides r opresses.
everybody is opresses, we should all give eachother money as we're all opresses.
i know i fell sorry for someone soo opressed that their too lazy to get off the ass and do some constuctive work.

(hint sarcasm)
Right. So, when you watch a movie about American war prisoners trying to escape from a German POW camp, you find yourself thinking, "What the fuck is wrong with those lazy assholes? They're too lazy to work for the Germans, how pathetic!"
*Looks around in fascination* Wow, it seems I'm the only one not to blame an entire culture!

I bet the Palestinian suicide-bombers are motivated by Sharon's... wossname... I'm not referring to oppression... Well, whatever, I don't remember seeing so much misery from that region when Netanyahu or whoever it was was still alive. The one who was shot.

Arafat a terrorist? ROFLMAO! Right to retaliate? To some extent, maybe. Definitely not the way they retaliate NOW. As for it all taking place in Bethlehem... Bah, religious fanatics are still nuts, no matter what religion they have. I don't care about them slaughtering each other IN BETHLEHEM, my immediate concern is that they ARE SLAUGHTERING EACH OTHER. Both sides are more or less wacky, but the suicide-bombers have "better" motives.
Netanyahu is still very much alive, and struggling with Sharon for control of the Likud party in Israel. I know who you're thinking of, but I can't remember his name off the top of my head.
Originally posted by Quarto
Right. So, when you watch a movie about American war prisoners trying to escape from a German POW camp, you find yourself thinking, "What the fuck is wrong with those lazy assholes? They're too lazy to work for the Germans, how pathetic!"

almost a good come back except american POWs are not an oppressed people, the are, Peoples Of War, ie, captive until the end of the war. they were in jail basically, and they wern't lazy in the movies, they put their minds together for the collective good, to escape, then WORKED together to get out, in the movies...
with the exception those few movies where the plot was not about escaping.