Is there any History from the Nephilim?


Had this race any history? That the kilrathis attack a ship of the terraner is known, but what is the History from the Nephilim?

Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)
Of course they have a history, any race does. But we don't know it.
We have to wait for the next WC game, SP or MP, we could learn a lot about Nephilim in these games. Don't forget we didn't know anything about the Kilrahti untill WC2. POL could give us a lot of info on their history, we could find alien artifacts (hm, that sounds familiar) go into the alien space.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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What exactly was it that you were trying to say? If you mean was there any material regarding the Bug's past, the answer can only be speculation no matter where it comes from. At this point, the origin is unknown, contact with at least two species is merely speculation those being Earth and Kilrah thousands of years ago. By that time they had most likely developed spacecraft tech and the ability to deploy it in vast distances. There culture could be a lot like what it is now, though the only one who knew anything about them was Blair and he was conveniently lost in the moment of the exlosion of the first wormhole(that we know of).
Although Origin didn't officialy anounce it, they are probably working on Privateer Online. A masively multi player game with a universe where you could do almost anything you want to.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
That isn´t a RIGHT WC. But a good beginning. I hope they worked for all the fans of WC, on a new game to comleted the Triology with the Nephilim´s.

Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)
What do you mean by RIGHT WC? The gameplay should be very similar to P1 and P2, both of which are WC games. And it will take place in the WC universe. And it will most likely be set at the time of Prophecy or just after it, so there could realy be a lot to learn about the bugs.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Sorry so meaned i it not. Surely is P1 and P2 a part of the WC universe. But it is not the same feeling to play P1 when you can play wcp. Its another feeling. I will this feeling back. its true P1 and P2 are a part.

Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)
I'm not sure I like the idea of having a game that relies on the net to function. Having a line tied up for hours at a time is crazy and waiting five or ten minutes just to get started that's ridiculous.
We do know stuff about them... they are big guys that look like bugs and they like to kill us


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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And if one of them drops on your head, people will spend the next several years arguing whether you're dead or not
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In regards to the history of the Nephelim:

How do we know they're not like the Double Helix, mentioned in Claw Marks? The DH (so named for the design of their ships) have no conception of history as humans understand it.

If, for whatever reason, that is the case, humanity would never know of their history, as the species that lived it wouldn't know to be able to tell anyone else.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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In the case of the Double-Helix, it's understandable, since they communicate through smell (and phermones, whatever they might be). However, the Nephilem do speak, so it's reasonable to assume they have history - where there's communication, there's history. Except that they might not have writing, which would then mean that their history comes in the form of legends, and is much vaguer than human history.

Or they might have a hive mind, like it is implied in the WCP manual.
Why is *speech* a more effective method of communication than *smell*? Just because we've evolved to be less dependant on a particular sense doesn't mean that everyone else has, too. The idea behind the Double Helix isn't that they're primative or something, but rather that they're so alien that we have trouble comparing ourselves to them.
I wish we could see the DH in WC that would be really neat. The mantu are not the same as the bugs, it wasn't too long ago since the Kilrathi fought the mantuu and the bugs, well they never fought them until Kilrah had a sudden change of climate forcasted by the t-bomb.
Oh, I know that the DH aren't primitive. A primitive race wouldn't have managed to develop space flight. Hmm, and actually, they wouldna have been able to achieve that without proper communication. I withdraw my comment regarding the effectiveness of smell as a communications media.

Could somebody tell me what the hell phermones are though?
Main Entry: pher·o·mone
Pronunciation: 'fer-&-"mOn
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary phero- (from Greek pherein to carry) + -mone (as in hormone) -- more at
Date: 1959
: a chemical substance that is produced by an animal and serves especially as a stimulus to other individuals of the same
species for one or more behavioral responses
- pher·o·mon·al /"fer-&-'mO-n&l/ adjective

From Merriam-Webster Online, the online version of the Merriam-Webster dictionary proping up so many uneven couches and tables.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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People are using an online encyclopaedia to even out furniture... I wonder how that works.... <j/k> (though if they wanted to use the online ones they could put it on disk and stick that under the furniture....)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Or print them and use the wad of paper as a prop.

I wouldn't need to do that, because I have all this lot of AOL disks here...

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings

[This message has been edited by klaus (edited January 25, 2000).]
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