Info request (timeline)


When did WC2 start?
When did the WC2 add-on end?
When did Privateer take place?
When did Righteous Fire take place?
When did WC3 start?
When did WC3 end?
Again, thank you. I am trying to construct some time data between WC2, Privateer, and WC3. From what I have learned, backwater systems and systems way behind the lines ought to still be equiped with some WC2 era technology while the front lines and major offensive operations would be using thje WC3 era technology.
But many of the WC3 ships were really old ships and the WC2 ships were the top of the line and newer than the WC3 ones.
The problem being that much of the new equipment got the shit beaten out of it during the Battle of Terra (Action Stations) between WC2 and 3.
Originally posted by TC
The problem being that much of the new equipment got the shit beaten out of it during the Battle of Terra (Action Stations) between WC2 and 3.

I am not familar with that. Could you expand on that?

Also, would that explain why Gemini seemed to have older equipment and less capable capships?

And thinking about it... Would that explain why the Confederation class was not realy big in the fleet, that most were sacraficed in this conflict?
Originally posted by TC
The problem being that much of the new equipment got the shit beaten out of it during the Battle of Terra (Action Stations) between WC2 and 3.

so what ships would have been standard in WC3 if they hadn't been trashed in action stations?
Gemini tends to have backwater ships because it's not really a frontline sector. Gemini's off the path of the war, really, even though there's a bit of a Kilrathi presence.

Basically, between WC2 and 3 there were End Run and then Fleet Action. At the conclusion of End Run, Confed had evened up the odds a bit and in the process had hit upon a successful strategy (hitting supply lines and deep raids with escort carriers.) Far behind Kilrathi lines, there was a secret construction facility. It was taking a large number of transports and resources. Because of this, the Kilrathi were unable to properly supply their combat forces. To buy time to complete the super carriers they had secretly under construction, they pushed for a cease fire. Eventually this resulted in the signing of a document which made each side promise to stand down large parts of their armed forces. Pretty much all of the Confed carriers were put into mothballs, and their cores shut down. A while into this, Tolwyn, Paladin, Hunter, Bear et al. managed to find proof of the Kilrathi plan through rather daring methods. So, Tolwyn rushed back to Earth, only to have a high ranking Kilrathi blow up a large portion of Confed's high ranking officers before he could warn them. Tolwyn was put in command of the fleet and rushed to get it ready. Basically, it resulted in the Kilrathi getting all the way through to Earth before finally being pushed back through a series of rather dramatic events. Confed defenses had been pretty much raped and only a couple of fleet carriers remained. By WC3, old ships that had previously patroled backwater systems have once again been forced to become front line vessels,
Hmm... I just noticed I said Action Stations a few posts down... I meant, of course, Fleet Action.
That would explain why a great deal of the modern hardware from WC2 was almost gone.

Makes me wonder about the Ranger though. Did bringing it back into service (or something like that) show just how good it was and thats why they developed the Concordia class carriers?

Anyway, that does answer the question as to why the WC era cruisers and destroyers are non exsistant. The Kilrathi ravaged those forces severly.
The Concordia class existed at the onset of the war... The class was first seen by us when the TCS Concordia (Concordia Class Carrier) was lost just after the opening strokes of the war in Action Stations (this time, actually action stations).
I was just looking over the timeline and it's very impressive. good work however i have jsut one question... where the hell did you come up with all that? from the books i'm guessing. Also, i looked over the "pre-war" section (it's pretty big) and I waswondering where all that came from? the books well?
Originally posted by Millzy
I was just looking over the timeline and it's very impressive. good work however i have jsut one question... where the hell did you come up with all that? from the books i'm guessing. Also, i looked over the "pre-war" section (it's pretty big) and I waswondering where all that came from? the books well?

IIRC most if not every WC game had a stated date at the begining.
i was reading over the handbook that came with WC Armada... it's pretty cool as it gives the Kilrathi point of view... howver now i can't find the CD... boo-urns..
It does indeed - and it made me wonder what's the 'real' truth, since undoubtedly, each side would create its official history with some twisting of what really happened to make them look good.
But... you... *know* what the real truth is... you were present for almost all of the events chronicled in the VoW timeline...