In WC3 Tolwyn is Perfect

Bandit LOAF said:
Both cases are stretching - Blair is absolutely right about Tolwyn, he's there to take over the ship for absolutely no reason other than to achieve glory for himself. There's absolutely no reason for Tolwyn to relieve Eisen of command -- Tolwyn is overseeing the entire opration, not the day to day operations of a light carrier.

I think there is a reason to take over the ship.. Humanity is badly outnumbered and doesn't have near enough firepower to stop the Kilrathi fleet that's preparing to steamroll through Proxima and Sol. The Behemoth may be the only chance for humanities survival- and for it to succeed everything must go perfectly. If I were an admiral with intimate knowledge of the operation, I might want to oversee things personally because when humanities survival is on the line- you can't take chances..

Bandit LOAF said:
Tolwyn is certainly equally at fault in the case of Hobbes -- since it was Tolwyn who championed Hobbes' Space Forces career... and it was Tolwyn who, per the novel, chose the Victory as his flagship *specifically* because he valued Hobbes' skills.
This is true- but it shows that in WC3 Blair isn't "100% right" and Tolwyn "100%" wrong. They both made a mistake in trusting Hobbes. However- these are not WC3 examples anyway (though I suppose continuing to trust him was a mistake)... it's an interesting tidbid though...

Bandit LOAF to ??? said:
That's not a very logical conclusion to jump to. All we hear about Loki VI is that there's a Kilrathi military base there.
That's true.. and even if there are slaves that the military uses for their purposes, they've thus become military targets anyway- sad but true.. Also, even if there were slave humans there- as said earlier- this may have been humanities last hope. It was worth it to test and make sure the Behemoth worked.. if it had some errors, they might have just enough time to fix them before heading to Kilrah.. Sacrificing human slaves to help save all of humanity is worth it--- the T-Bomb was a VERY long shot compared to the Behemoth- especially at the time of the Behemoth events when Dr. Severin was still in Kilrathi hands and the T-bomb wasn't even completed...