
There's a poll going on today(July 3rd) at IGNPC, asking what the greatest space-flight sim ever was. X-Wing/Tie-Fighter is currently in the lead, with 37%, and WC is second, with 23.7. Maybe WC fans should vote? Go WC!
As much as I loved privateer its Wing Commander that I always remember :) Had to vote for Wing Commander.
I vote Wc, But.....Privateer is a Wc game !From the same series.
They should be together................:mad:
I did vote for WC because with that I also voted for Privateer since it's part of WC. And because WC stands a much better chance of reaching the 1st place (whatever good that does) :)
They separate Privateer from Wc and the votes seperate too!
Thats not good!
Its the same series god damn them...
You can't beat Star Wars, and there's never a point in trying -- no matter what the topic, there's always ten-dozen sweaty people grasping their plastic lightsabers ready to vote for Star Wars... that stupid Star Wars fighting game would probably beat Mortal Kombat on a 'best fighting game' poll simply by the virtue of having 'Star Wars' in the name.
I am a fan of SW.Well .Not a big though.Wc is my love.

The new SW movies are not as good as the old ones.
If it wasnt the "StarWars" on them,they shouldnt be not even in the top100!!
DAMN, dont say a word about the WCmovie.I like it more than Episode2,and Im saying the truth.
What do people think about X-Wing, Tie-Fighter and co.?
Of course we all prefer WC, but I always thought they had a certain... charm. Not because they were star-wars, but because they played entirely different from WC, something which no other space-flight sim seams to attempt.

PS: I'm just asking about PC titles, here... No rogue squadron.
I'm very fond of the X-Wing series -- a lot of media tie-in games are horrid cheap ripoffs... not so Lucasarts' space sims. They managed to create an original, entertaining spin on the genre rather than just copying Wing Commander.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I'm very fond of the X-Wing series -- a lot of media tie-in games are horrid cheap ripoffs... not so Lucasarts' space sims. They managed to create an original, entertaining spin on the genre rather than just copying Wing Commander.

What do you think to be the best of the bunch? I really liked X-Wing, but I also liked rebel assault a good deal.
Originally posted by Lelapinmechant

What do you think to be the best of the bunch? I really liked X-Wing, but I also liked rebel assault a good deal.

I'm partial to TIE Fighter myself. Always liked the Empire more than the Rebels. Their ships are cooler too. And the story was excellent (with the whole Harkov's defection thing going on). It was cool because you got to see it from the bad guys point of view.

I don't think Rebel Assault counts as being in the X-Wing Series. I myself never liked Rebel Assault.

Although X-Wing was my first space sim, so that's always kind of special.