
Imagine my jealousy about you and Chris and some of the others getting systems named after you! :( I want a little recognition in the WC universe. I did my part, you know. :)
Originally posted by Rami Sihvo
But most scary thing is that there is a Lesnick-system
in WCP map...
The Argent Sector, Shelus Quadrant has several systems named for early and prominent fans. Besides Lesnick, there's Reid, Hardwicke, and even a little system named Phoenix (I think I know that guy). :)

Other systems are named for Origin employees that worked on the games, sci-fi authors, etc.
It bothers me that theres such bold sci-fi references on the map. Rodenberry Quadrant? Serling Quadrant? Asimov? Yeesh, talk about laying it on thick! :)
Well without the interest in space created by those authors and creators that fueled the imaginations of generations to come, we would probably never get into space to the point where we are in WC, so its a nice way to remember them.
Originally posted by LeHah
It bothers me that theres such bold sci-fi references on the map. Rodenberry Quadrant? Serling Quadrant? Asimov? Yeesh, talk about laying it on thick! :)
I don't doubt that when the time comes to actually name such things, Rodenberry, Serling, and Asimov will probably be on the list of names to choose from.
Originally posted by Sadic
Originally posted by Rami Sihvo
But most scary thing is that there is a Lesnick-system
in WCP map...

Really ? Where is it located ?
As I mentioned previously in the thread... Argent Sector, Shelus Quadrant. Look in the upper right of the quadrant.

[Edited by OriginalPhoenix on 07-27-2001 at 17:49]