hi !, from a newbie thats happy to c u call !

It looks pretty, but I just found it lacked depth of other games like wing commander (character development, storyline etc) or even Starlancer (with the news reports making you feel part of a larger war etc.)
I don't hate it, some aspecs of it are good, like the beam weapons tracking ships and the flak cannons buffeting you on bombing runs, oh and the nebula scrambling your ships electronics, little things like that. It just seems very shallow to me.
I didn't get the ending though and felt sort of "oh, right"

anyways, I don't want to open the whole "freespace is better than WC, no it isn't, yes it (repeat until one combatant passes out) can of worms again so lets leave it there.
All of them. It's not a matter of how good you fly, or how good your strategy is. Missions are completely scripted, and you must just find out the right actions to do in the right order by trial and error. Like a puzzle game!
hmmm, i never noticed that. it always seemed to me that it WAS pilot skill and strategy that won
Originally posted by Delance
All of them. It's not a matter of how good you fly, or how good your strategy is. Missions are completely scripted, and you must just find out the right actions to do in the right order by trial and error. Like a puzzle game!

Well I`m afraid that every sim with predesigned missions is in some way scripted. Not scripted predesigned missions are usually dull. Only simulators with dynamic campaigns (Falcon 4.0 is so far the best, especially upgraded with SuperPak 3) are free of that.
But there are limits to those things. The worst scripted game of all is Starlancer. If you did things out of the order the designers want you too, regardless of how good you do it, a cloaked squad of enemy bombers will destroy your carrier and you'll lose the mission. Such cloaked wing will not appear only if do things as the designers want, i.e., beat the puzzle.

The mission is not: “Protect your carrier, and destroy the enemy carrier. There are several possible strategies you may pursue, as long as your carrier is not destroyed and the enemy carrier is.”

Its: “Find out the correct order of things to do. There is only one possible answer, that you must find by trial and error, and if you stray, you automatically loses.”