Hey Guys - New member here...


A Wing Commander TV show? You mean the 'Academy cartoon?

If that's not what we're all referring to here, I would love to know more....

it's all lies, hes secretly trying to make you send donations to him to make one, just to make a profit!
Originally posted by RATM
it's all lies, hes secretly trying to make you send donations to him to make one, just to make a profit!

Hmmm. Perhaps this goes much deeper...? Maybe he's from the La-li-lu-le-lo?

Please refrain from MGS2 references, esp when it's completely out of context.

As for this rumored WC series, I think LOAF is just playing with you all and he's giggiling about it like Alan Moore sitting in his closet.

Only I know the truth. :D
Originally posted by LeHah
Please refrain from MGS2 references, esp when it's completely out of context.

As for this rumored WC series, I think LOAF is just playing with you all and he's giggiling about it like Alan Moore sitting in his closet.

Only I know the truth. :D

im telling you hes trying to get money from everyone to pay for the bandwidth! curse him! :p
As the old saying goes, "Don't report when there's nothing to report on". This is definitely applicable in this case.
Originally posted by The Phantom
Well, I watch Teletoon quite often (gotta love their retro times, oh the memories. I wish they would put on He-Man. Sorry, got a bit off topic there) and I have yet to see the WCA show. If anyone knows the time it is on can they tell me? I would love to see it on the TV. I think everyone who replied listed all the versions of WC available. Oh, and welcome to the board. I love this place, Its nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world who has loved this series since it came out in 1990. My first version was a pirated copy from my Uncle. My first real copy was WC2, I got it for christmas. When did everyone else come into the series and how?

My first foray into the WC universe, was when I played a demo of WC3 on the 3DO (Which I still own!). The demo was non interactive most of the time unless u got lucky and accesed the random interactive demo in which u got to play the first mission with the cut scenes with Hobbes and Rachael. I then bought the 3DO version of WC3, and after getting my P2 350 PC I bought all of the WC games I could get (this was around 1999). I wish I could have been a WC fan from the beginning though.:(
My First

Yup, I too began my Wing Commandering on the 3DO (good system, wasn't it Major_Chill). I played the game at a local Software Etc and was instantaneously taken under its spell. Truly, I fell in love with the game (and the 3DO).

So, I got it for Christmas. I still had my Super NES and went backwards in the universe and picked up a used copy of Wing Commander 1 (I was a strictly-console gamer in those days).

I finally got a Pentium II and got Wing Commander 4 for it. The rest is predictable. Yet, to this day, I haven't played any of the add-ons (Secret Missions 1 & 2, Special Operations 1 & 2 and Secret Ops) or Wing Commander II.

I recently acquired myself a copy of Super Wing Commander for my ol' Goldstar 3DO off eBay for a reasonable price ($9.90). So, I'm looking forward to some retro gaming....
Col. Dom, you kick ass! :D The 3DO remains to me as one of the best consoles ever made. Its problem was that the developers neglected it by making too many shit games, it had heaps of potential. Another bonus was the extra scenes included in its version of WC3, (the first time I saw the Excalibur bombing run in planetry conditions, I was in complete ecstasy!). What 3D0 games do u own BTW? Here's my list;

Road Rash
Killing Time
Blade Force
Cannon Fodder
PO 'ed
Star Fighter
Theme Park
Space Hulk
Need For Speed

But to have the ultimate 3DO collection I'LL NEED SWC! My problem lies with the fact that I own a PAL version of the 3DO( as I live in Scotland) and the copies I've seen on the net are American versions which won't run on my 3DO. Plus I'm not sure if I can use my bank debit card to order stuff from the net. Well anyway its nice to know that there r people who still care about the 3DO!:D
BTW Wedge009, when I was talking about a random interactive demo, what I meant was that sometimes the non interactive demo would run and other times I could actually play the demo. The manual for the demo stated that it was a non interactive demo. I think the randomness of the demo was used as a teaser. It certainly got me hooked to the WC series!
Hey LOAF, you seem to have forgotten the Confederation Handbook on your list.

And as for first WC experiences (as we seem to be sharing those now), I first got involved with WC when I got a set of 251 disks my uncle didn't need anymore. (If you think it's sad I counted them, think how sad it is I still remember the number :rolleyes: )
Among those disks was WC2 (yes it was illegal :eek: ). After the anticipation of a nearly 1.5 hours installing on my 286 and even more time getting it to work on the 2MB RAM I was immediately hooked.
I later bought WC2, and even later got WC3 (where missions would take about 5 minutes to load on my 486DX2 of the time). I lost WC3 by loaning to some guy who *moved* without telling me, never found him again. I didn't get it back (or get WC1) until buying Kilrathi Saga. Of course I also own Prophecy and WC4 (which I got in that order).
I didn't know novels existed before I got here so I didn't start collecting those until recently. I now own Freedom Flight, Fleet Action and Price of Freedom.

May Wing Commander live on as we welcome another member to our ever growing community!
How I got pulled into the WC experience?

iirc, read a review of Wing Commander in Dragon Magazine ages and ages ago that gave a positive review of the game. Purchased the game and SM1, followed later on by SM2.
Bought WC2 when it came out, followed by SO1.
Never got SO2 or the speech pack.
Bought WC3. Played through about half of WC4, but never bought it.
Purchased and finished WCP, then downloaded SOP (on a 33.6 modem, of all things - took me two tries to download part 1, and I'm surprised I managed to keep the connection up for the required 12+ hours it took for part 1). The latter is long gone now, though. I suppose I ought to see about locating a copy of WCP Gold.
I've also got both Privateers. Finished the first one, but even though I've played quite a ways through the second, I've never actually finished the game.

Purchased and read one novel (End Run), and can't say I was overly impressed. I've skimmed through both the game novels (HoT and PoF), and didn't care much for what I saw.
And that goes even without the differences between the novel plotlines and the game plotlines.
I remember, when my dad got a new computer once, it came with a full copy of WC1. I played it and instantly fell in love with it. To this day I still play it, and have plyed nearly every WC game in existance.
The first time played wing commander was on the amiga, I just loved it, but for some reason (which i can't remember) I didn't get the addons or WCII, only picking up the series again at WC III, and getting each game since then