Hex Based WC Universe strategy game (in the panzer general style)

So the idea is that the fleet of a player who does not input their instructions to that fleet in the allotted time limit incurs a penalty where their fleet does nothing, not even defend itself. That about right?

Eh........I'm not sure I entirely like that idea. Don't get me wrong, the idea has merit, but on the other hand it wouldn't necessarily be fair to a player who has taken the time and effort to amass a huge fleet to get it completely wiped out by an opponent with a couple of bombers simply because, say, they had to travel that day and weren't anywhere they could input orders.

I think a fleet awaiting instructions would still defend itself were it to be attacked. You might say that the fleet will use "point defense" only, and have some kind of defensive penalty imposed. Perhaps something similar to the "flat-footed" penalties I put into WCRPG for when the enemy ambushes you (basically a temporary decrease in their defense values, maybe also one to their soft attack value (not quite sure how the counterattack mechanics are set up - if they exist at all), and they can't use their hard attack value at all. Maybe not; like I said I'm not 100% familiar with all the mechanics of the game.
How about this! Got the idea from Yahoo Gin of all places! We allow players to create games of 6 hour, 12 hour or 24 hour cycles. Whatever the duration set, everyones turn gets over after automatically in sequential order of joining the game in a fixed period of time alloted to them. If someone does not make the moves in his time window he gets decimated by the other players who have move and automatically loses. Let me know your thoughts.
So the idea is that the fleet of a player who does not input their instructions to that fleet in the allotted time limit incurs a penalty where their fleet does nothing, not even defend itself. That about right?

Eh........I'm not sure I entirely like that idea. Don't get me wrong, the idea has merit, but on the other hand it wouldn't necessarily be fair to a player who has taken the time and effort to amass a huge fleet to get it completely wiped out by an opponent with a couple of bombers simply because, say, they had to travel that day and weren't anywhere they could input orders.

I think a fleet awaiting instructions would still defend itself were it to be attacked. You might say that the fleet will use "point defense" only, and have some kind of defensive penalty imposed. Perhaps something similar to the "flat-footed" penalties I put into WCRPG for when the enemy ambushes you (basically a temporary decrease in their defense values, maybe also one to their soft attack value (not quite sure how the counterattack mechanics are set up - if they exist at all), and they can't use their hard attack value at all. Maybe not; like I said I'm not 100% familiar with all the mechanics of the game.

For every attack there is an automatic counterattack albeit with damage values so the defenders fleet won't be defencelesss. It will be a passive defence without aggresive manuevering. This mechanism is there in PG as well. In some cases if the defender is large like a battleship or a orbital platform, the attacker could get wiped out in the counterattack. So the defender might take a pounding but survive. Secondly you are discounting the geographical scale of the game. For an attacker to bring all his forces into attack might take 4-5 turns due to travel and jumps. Enough time for a player to return and take stock.

We can also create a cease fire mechanism, that players can use once or twice in the game to make their fleet suspended for a limited time in which no attacker can harm them.

I, as im sure you have too, have sat through too many games waitiing on the opposite player to make his move only to get frustrated and quit. This mechanism allows the interested players to thrive and the uninterested ones to be organically chucked out.
Hi there. Love your project. Keep up the good work. I also loved PG in the old days. In what language or game engine are you making this? It looks great.

PS: I saw that is a online PG beta !!! Has anyone tryed that ?
Hi there. Love your project. Keep up the good work. I also loved PG in the old days. In what language or game engine are you making this? It looks great.

PS: I saw that is a online PG beta !!! Has anyone tryed that ?

Hey thanks! I am developing it in PHP-MySql with Html5 and Jquery. No game engine, doing it from scratch. Which PG beta are you refering to? Do you have a link?
No, thats a very truncated version of PG. The original PG is vast and beautiful. This version is probably meant for mobile devices etc. I am trying to be as true to the original PG as possible in game size, scope and playability. Large maps, dozens of units and excellent forces management features define the PG genre. It is truly great on both the tactical and strategic level.
Game Update

- Have finished the time based turn system which is customizable by game owner. Cron system keeps the turns moving irrespective of player involvement.
- All ships loaded and ready, both Confed and Kilrathi
- All 65 system maps of the Gemini system loaded including planets, jump points, refineries, mining stations and asteroid fields
- Combat system completed although experience and suppression are still to be calculated
- Multiplayer login and multi game system in place.
- Strategic map in place

Items in progress

- Initial setup when new player joins a game.
- Ship management system to be improved
- Capture and ownership of mining stations, planets and refineries etc has to be completed.
- Regeneration of credits based on assets after each turn has be to created.
- Asset management and credit management.

To be developed
- Battle logs and reports
- Intra game chat
- Diplomacy screen
- Game music and storylines

Future plans
- Automated bots for neutral parties like merchants, mercenaries, bounty hunters etc

Already in alpha mode. Will share limited logins soon.

Hey Ron? I was looking your work and I was wondering. Have you thought to use an api to change the style on thease standard html buttons and scrolls? something like I use on our website:
It might also help you to make it work better on smartphones and tablets.
And by the way...

Very good job!
Hey Ron? I was looking your work and I was wondering. Have you thought to use an api to change the style on thease standard html buttons and scrolls? something like I use on our website:
It might also help you to make it work better on smartphones and tablets.
And by the way...

Very good job!

Hi Maslas, thanks. Right now i am just focused on getting the game functionality right. However i have changed the interface a lot since my last screen shots and the final product will be quite polished. I will put up new screen shots soon. Better still, I will be giving out logins for testing as well.

I am familiar with Jquery UI and the game has a lot of Jquery components in it. I have checked it on tablet and smartphone and its working quite well.

Thanks for your inputs and keep checking on my progress.

Hi All,

Firstly, apologies for my long disappearance. When it was a choice between earning a living and completing this project, i had to choose the former.

But now im back to complete it.

Major update.
Have changed the hexes to square grid to simplify all dev aspects.

Demo soon, this time for real i promise!



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When it was a choice between earning a living and completing this project, i had to choose the former.

Believe me when I say, I know what you are meaning...:rolleyes:

I see you have updated the UI... Good, can't wait to put my hands on it. Keep up the good job!;)
Believe me when I say, I know what you are meaning...:rolleyes:

I see you have updated the UI... Good, can't wait to put my hands on it. Keep up the good job!;)

Started using Bootstrap which made developing the interface much easier. Here are a few more screen shots.



Hi Everyone!

We are just a couple of days from launch!! Just testing and fine tuning, especially load times.

Soon you will be able to take command of your own fleet and run rampant all over the entire Gemini sector.

Command over 3 dozen different confed or kilrathi warships
Jump you fleets between systems in a massive space grab.
Engage in strategic and tactical level fleet battles.

Are you ready?

Ok...so that was my sales pitch...cool huh!
