Have to sell LIFELONG Wing Commander collection

Geez McGruff, if my store had gotten one I guarantee I would have grabbed it... I know they existed but I never got one. I also asked around at my friends who worked at a theater some years later but they never got a movie standup either... too bad.
Nah, the shipping should surely cost less than that. My best mental guess is around $100-150 for parcel post, less if you're close to New York state... but you never know, it might be less or more... since I'm totally guessing at the weight. It's more than five pounds though, I can tell you that! :)
Wow! Who's got you so whipped!? Well, might as well take advantage.. got any WC Macintosh games?

the only ones I'm interested is the WC3 official guide + behind scenes CD-ROM and the WC4 DVD. Can you be more specific which DVD it is?
And I was just wondering, what would be the shipping rate to Indonesia?


I'm interested in the WC3 Premier edition and the Prophecy soundtrack. Just need shipping to Canada.

(And I'm assuming Paypal... right?)
True, true. Just to let you all know, I've received a (very small) handful of what seem to be serious inquiries about the entire shebang. I'll have to give them first dibs, then if none of those work out, I'll begin the (even more) arduous process of breaking all this stuff up.

And to answer on the DVD question (somebody asked), it's the "real" DVD, not the shovelware one -- the video quality is much higher. I think this was bundled with a Creative Dxr2 or Dxr3 (one of those, anyway).

I'll let you all know, soon!
Shipgate said:
I remember Egghead Software. That's actually where I got WC3 from.

Yeah, I got Armada and a bunch of stuff from Egghead.

Sphynx said:
You are putting your priorities on real life, and no matter how much we love WC, real life is what really matters the most.

Well, Wing Commander is real life for lots of us. Though the individual Wing Commander possesions are just extra.

If the lot does get broken up, we could probably use the magazines. Are you going to share the offers for the whole lot (just the amounts)? You might yet have some people make higher claims once they have an idea what the serious offers are.
'Wing Commander IV The Price of Freedom/Crusader No Remorse Demo CD'
'Origin VHS Tape with the in-store Wing Commander Trailer, Wing Commander Gameplay clip and some other game stuff (Crusader and CyberMage)'

I'd love to buy those individually.
I'll pay REAL money for the The Kilrathi Saga... but the hole lot is kinda too mutch for me.
dude, you sure this is what you whant? I mean quitting cold-turkey like that... You're a strong man. SHE must be worth it :)
But hey, real life needs real money I gess.
Again, real money for the The Kilrathi Saga.
hahahah oh my goodness. He drives a very hard bargain. OK, I'd like $8M (US dollars, wiseguy) for it.

Well, I've been seeming to get offers around $500... plus shipping and any packing materials I need to buy (I don't think very much...).

Anyone want to best that?

And yeah, it's worth it... women... can't live with em, can't live without 'em...
For me, it's more like: "Women: They force you to get rid of sentimental items that shaped your youth because they take up space that they need to their shoes."
no, in reality it's women: nagging the men untill we do what they tell us to do...
the shoe thing is just part of their goddam wonderfull nature...
so witch one of us is going to buy this entire collection and ease this poor man's suffering?
She's going to nag him people! with the "is it done?" "when will it be done?" and the
"are you trying hard enough?" and on and on, nag, nag, nag...

If it's all or nothing then I'm out.
I was only willing to help out up to 300$ us.