Happy Birthday LOAF! (April 19, 2006)

Happy Birthday Loaf, without which wing commander would be a very different place ;)

Because I'm such a cheap bastard I shall dedicate my next 5 kills in your honour.
Happy birthday loaf,

i still cant seem to remember my password, or get an email from cic-forums to know my password, but whatever,

i will name my new carrier ship in x3 reunion after you.

Happy 25th... And remember, we're all still teenagers at heart, especially people who ARE teenagers such as myself.

Also, surely that ship can't be called the LOAF, that seems a bit weird. Perhaps the Loafinator, or the mysterious LOAFini.
Belated Birthday Greetings LOAF

Halfway to 50 hahahahahahahahahaha, Wait what am I laughing at, I'm 26 in 2 months :D
fongsaunder said:
BTW, in the main page "X-Box Live" is mispelled into "YBoxLive"

Thanks for the tip.

Unregistered said:
i still cant seem to remember my password, or get an email from cic-forums to know my password, but whatever,

You need to contact the CIC Forums Administration link.
why cant such a bulky carrier ship with a fighter complement of 24 light argon discoverer fighters, 20 medium argon buster fighters, and 16 argon nova fighters, be called loaf?

yesterday i was cleaning a whole xenon sector with that thing. and i was piloting a nova :)
Happy birthday, LOAF! Many happy return & thanks for all the help & info you continue to provide.

btw, is LOAF also an abbreviation for something? (as it's in capital letters)