Greece and Games?

If the Greeks have a good Constitution and a good Supreme Court, that law will be overruled in short time.
Originally posted by Starkey
If the Greeks have a good Constitution and a good Supreme Court, that law will be overruled in short time.

Unfortunately, BOTH have to be good. As I pointed out earlier in this thread, a few months back, a US judge ruled that video games were not protected by 1st amendment rights (for the non-US people here, that's the amendment that provides freedom of speech, press, etc...).
Admittedly, the defense picked some really poor examples of games to advance their cause, iirc (I think Doom was one of them, for example), but still...
The Turkey/Iraq/Greece joke was a word play.

Substitute "grease" for Greece.

Imagine the animal "turkey".
Well...Im Nemesis or TCSTigersClaw............

Im from Greece.The Law voted in May and activated a month ago.
Its completely crazy and stupid.Im sure its not gonna last for long cause everyone are unhappy.

As I said at #wingnut
"The 2/3 of the country are outlaws right now cause they are playing games secretly..."

A funny thing is that games are free for SELLING in the market,but anyone who buys one cant play with it!

You should buy the game and just let it be.You are not allowed to play with it .......

Crazy politicians ,mad people.......

and.....em LOAF, you CANT play video games in Greece anymore.The ARcade stores are closed,the Internet Cafes have no games anymore.You are not allowed to play with your mobiles Phone games anymore too...:( DAMN I liked that TETRIS
Ill make another post cause I ve read stupid things just right now in here!

Greece has nothing to do with Socialism.Its pure Democracy.Its the country who made Democracy come true in ancient Greece.
Dont you think it would be ironic if our goverment wasnt completely Democratic nowdays ?

In the past we suffered a lot from the Turkeys.That doesnt mean anything.We are not enemies anymore.Personally I dont think anything will happen between Greece and Turkey for the following decades.
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
A funny thing is that games are free for SELLING in the market,but anyone who buys one cant play with it!

That's what I wondered about.. because there are probably lots of retailers that make money on video game sales. There'd be a palpable economic hit if those places had to shut down. However there's economic repercussions for shutting down all arcades and such too. Watch out for those Turkeys.
Some facts about that greek law as far as I figured it out (TCSTigersClaw correct me if I am wrong - after all I am not a local).

* It actually includes all e-gaming devices. This includes _MOBILE_PHONES_!

* It does include gambling at home as well, not just in public places. There seems to be a silent consensus that playing at home won't bring you befor court at this moment however.

* Looks like at least two men are already in court for playing in an internet cafe (I red they played CS in one article and Quake 3 in another, so the facts seem to be a bit thin here...)

Addendum I forgot:
Looks like MS-Windows might be forbidden as well or will have to be stripped down. After all it has the illegal items Solitaire and Minesweeper...
I wonder if MS will sue Greek and do something useful for the first time in their history... ;)
Originally posted by Starkey
If the Greeks have a good Constitution and a good Supreme Court, that law will be overruled in short time.

see... Greeks are legally evolved.
Here's a pretty weird quote from the article Kris posted.
"Greece's gaming community has accused the government of taking the country back to the 1970s when individuals were arrested for playing cards at home."
Now I'm no longer so shocked that such an absurd law was passed there..
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Greece has nothing to do with Socialism.Its pure Democracy.Its the country who made Democracy come true in ancient Greece.

This quote and others like it make me feel obliged to point out that capitalism, socialism, and communism are economic systems. They are not forms of government. Don't get all freaked out when you hear that a country is socialistic or even communistic. (The United States, for example, is democratic, yet there are many aspects of our economy that are both capitalistic and socialistic.) There's nothing wrong with either of them, as long as they're used properly. It's the government and the way that a country's economy is maintained that makes it good or bad.
Hmm? Every hysterical anti-communist I've talked to thinks communism and socialism are the same thing.

(And I wasn't talking about you, if that's how it came across)
WildWeasel got it right. They're all economic systems. The Communist system is where the guvment owns everything. Socialist is where the guvment doesn't necessarily own everything, but controls everything.