Nano Technology is probably going to be in daily use in the next 30 - 40 years, so you can safely assume that in 650 years - such gadgets will quite certainly be as trivial as microwave ovens are today.

Just open any search engine and type the words Nano Technology, and you`ll find more than you want to know. :)
BTW, MH, din you know that the WC2 Theme MIDI is incorrectly timed at 2:30 instead of 1:22? :)

Do you know where there's a properly timed MIDI of the sad tune you hear at times in WC2 such as when Angel tells you you're being kicked off the Concordia? The one I have is timed at over 2 days!
I`m not quite sure I know which one you mean. If you send me an email with the theme, I might be able to substitute it for you.

BTW, did anyone check out my MIDI recordings I posted ?
Sorry, 'Hatter. I'm not gonna bother until I get back to Oz. Remind me in a week and a half :).
Wedge, there`s a modified version of the WC2 theme, the one that was 2:30 minutes long, at the url I posted before. Enjoy.

[Edited by Mad Hatter on 01-06-2001 at 16:43]
Ah, much better, MH. At least the MIDI. Yes I did bother downloading the mp3s, and good work too, but the original WC2 theme mp3 I got was 2:30. That was a lot of silence to download!

As for my 2-day long MIDI, it's the really 'sad' song you hear at times such as when Angel says Blair is to return to Caernarvon. I got it from the WC2 MIDI zip from the music section here.
Gosh! Sorry about that. :)
I didn`t bother recording it after removing the silent part. Silly me. I`ll edit and remove that part.

stupid! stupid! <mumbles as he wanders off in search of a wall to bang his head on> ;)

Oh, btw, I found the theme you were talking about, I`ll edit it shortly, and send it to you.

If anyone else wants a copy, let me know.

[Edited by Mad Hatter on 01-13-2001 at 11:26]
Put it up at your usual location, 'Hatter. In just a few days, I'll be back 'home' and ready to start downloading.
Okay people, there`s a shortened version of that sad cutscene theme in WC2 that was originally about 2 days long, and now shortened to a mere 2 minutes available here . enjoy!
Ah, tres bien, merci beaucoup!

Erm, anyway, I notice your regular webpage (I think its is offline. Is that deliberate?
...not again... seem to be down at the moment. It happens from time to time, and there`s nothing much I can do about it, so I guess we`ll just have to wait till they get back up again. Shouldn`t take too long... (famous last words ;) )