Re: RE: to original post

Originally posted by Chip
CB: In the novel The Price of Freedom, it p. 306 Tolwyn says to the Black Lance, "You, my friends, the ground crews, and the Infantry battalion are the Second Generation. You are the first to gestate and the first to come of age. Your children born in The Plan's ..." This implies that it was something that Confed did to him since Seether attended the Academy and was transfered. I think what happened was that each of these GEs were born of parents and then the babies that would be GEed had their genes manipulated by scientists -- like what they're doing now here in the U.S. in regards to scientists fixing genes to eliminate cancers since they've cracked the human genome project and how scientists are trying to find ways to enable people to live longer.

rats...i think that would kinda be funny...test tube baby!

oh and btw earthworm...when i meant funny i meant strange...queer that sort of funny not humourous funny...
just want to know..

did anyone from the team that went to telemon (blair + dekkers + marines?) 'had their cells stop replicating' after they went back to the intrepid?
Originally posted by PayBack
just want to know..

did anyone from the team that went to telemon (blair + dekkers + marines?) 'had their cells stop replicating' after they went back to the intrepid?
In the WC4 novel, neither Blair or the marines go down to the planet.

All the people that volontered to go down, stayed down there and most of them died. That planet was totaly quarantined, and any ship that tried to leave was shot down.

And that really appears more realistic than Blair and Dekker going down there without even knowing what's going on, like in the game.
And that really appears more realistic than Blair and Dekker going down there without even knowing what's going on, like in the game.
Not at all. Remember, they had no experience with bioweapons like this before... we can assume that Blair was under the impression that this can't be bioweapons, because there was still someone alive down there. Now, each of us has a different idea of what Blair would/wouldn't do, but in my view he would be the first to go down there.
i just recently played wc4 but my memory is on a blank about something

when blair enters the axius system and penetrates the black lance's base the first black lance members we see are doing a check on their stores. One of them is knocked out by blair and blair takes his uniform. did that bloke wear glasses? and if he did, wouldn't that be a BAD gene? because remember that those canisters with the bioweapon inside them WERE onboard that starbase...

and why the heck didn't blair nick off with some of that stuff - the flashpaks? would have got pliers doing cartwheels over the flight deck all over again
RE: To Starlight

CB: I don't know if the guy wore sunglasses. My guess is if he did, they were for protection against the sun.

SL: and why the heck didn't blair nick off with some of that stuff - the flashpaks? would have got pliers doing cartwheels over the flight deck all over again

CB: Blair's mission was to infiltrate Axius. What I think what Blair should've done was sent in a stay cloaked Skipper missile with a warhead full of spyflies (electronic robot flies with microcameras) to record what was in Axius. After he got all those recordings, he should've liberated the doctor, and sent in cloaked hand grenade drones to get rid of Black Lance personnel.
Originally posted by Chip
I don't know if the guy wore sunglasses. My guess is if he did, they were for protection against the sun.
He isn't asking about sunglasses.....

Blair's mission was to infiltrate Axius. What I think what Blair should've done was sent in a stay cloaked Skipper missile with a warhead full of spyflies (electronic robot flies with microcameras) to record what was in Axius. After he got all those recordings, he should've liberated the doctor, and sent in cloaked hand grenade drones to get rid of Black Lance personnel.
And here comes Chip, with new stupid technologies.... OK smart guy, where the hell would the BW even get a Skipper missile? How was he supposed to knowt that the scientist was eaven on board? How would those *electronic robot flies :)* work?

How do you expect one guy to kill so many people? That starbase was huge... Blair would't even kill one of them before he was dead himself.....
In response to chip
Spyflies?!? Um I guess that most had been stored near the berths, so sadly the intrepid's crew may have had a little difficulty in using spyflies.
Meanwhile what are "cloaked hand grenade drones" maybe it's just me but I think they are in greater need of an explanation then the spyflies.Where is this stuff coming from anyways, there sure is one busy R&D department floating around in your head isn't there? Oh & I don't think starlight was referring to sunglasses

in response to starlight
I just recently played through wc4 as well, it's one of the best. My guess for why he didn't run off with some flashpaks is that he didn't really have time. He was being chased, so carting a few flashpaks up the to his dragon cockpit could have gotten him killed. As for the glasses perhaps seeing how slight vision problems can be corrected with contacts, glasses or eye surgery they figured it was minimal enough that it could be left alone, to keep at tolerable variation levels for the 50-500 rule.

eep earthworm responded before I did! Hum I think chip is starting to rub off on me, I didn't even bat an eye at the mention of a skipper. Oh & just a little note but he did kill one, I think it might of even been two! It was at that point were they killed the biochemist.

[Edited by Dekkar on 12-31-2000 at 13:18]
Regarding the glasses... not all BL-ers were genetic freaks. Some, like Tolwyn, were normal humans who happened to support the whole BL thing and happened to be useful.

Then there's also the little detail that eye damage is *not* necessarily genetic. It's usually the result of people misusing their eyes... for example, spending too many hours reading in weak light, thus over-straining their eyes. You can be genetically perfect (well... no, you can't, because there's no such thing; but you can be what the BLers would define as genetically perfect) and still be half-blind.
I'm fairly sure Blair shot 2 of the BL, just as they shot the biochemist. As for the glasses - doesn't being half blind kind of defeat the purpose of being 'genetically perfect?'
Anyways Chip. Where do you think the UBW is going to find the resources or intellectual talent to develop all these half baked ideas of yours? Finally if you're so hell bent on 1 guy killing whole armies, Rambo style, can't you come up with something remotely believable? Like just as Blair is leaving he locks the 2 torps his Dragon carries on the interior of the launch bay, fires, then ABs out of there. That should kill a lot of BL, though the blast would probably kill him, but hey you can do it in the game & live.
Not if the affliction resulted during the persons life. As opposed to being blind when born. Like Quarto said, you can damage your eyes by putting them under too much strain. A better example would be getting a leg shot off. Now you're still "genetically perfect", but you can't walk.

[Edited by steampunk on 12-31-2000 at 21:46]
I speak from far too much experience when I say that there are very serious genetic eye problems.

But I digress... the current 'batch' of project personell is *not* perfect, they're just *more* perfect than the norm... and they have traits that the project reguards as usefull -- maybe eyesight (in a universe where recent medical technology has finally been able to repair eye problems, KS manual) is not something they bothered to program into their perfect civilization.
so if there were guys on board that star base that weren't genetically perfect (eg the guy with the glasses, i am assuming that he DID have glasses coz i said b4 i wasn't quite too sure), why did they have their bioweapons onboard where there could readily be a spill? shouldn't they have at least concealed it perhaps??

and if having bad eyesight is okay with genes, then why did sosa ask if she would be dead if she went down with blair? coz i think the thought since she wore glasses she was genetically "wrong" and would have been affected by the bioweapon
why did they have their bioweapons onboard where there could readily be a spill? shouldn't they have at least concealed it perhaps??
Well, it's not like they had the little nanobots zipping about the place free :). These sort of weapons are undoubtedly very well secured; consider in particular the fact that the nanobots might be completely inert until the Dragon's computer sends a "switch-on" signal into the canister. Put simply, these are nanobots, not a toxic liquid or disease. If they're going to invite Tolwyn over to play, you can bet they'll do everything to secure 'em ;).

and if having bad eyesight is okay with genes, then why did sosa ask if she would be dead if she went down with blair? coz i think the thought since she wore glasses she was genetically "wrong" and would have been affected by the bioweapon
As LOAF pointed out, bad eyesight can be the result of genetic problems - just not always. Besides, it may be that Sosa was referring to some other problem of hers that we know nothing about... or indeed, it might have simply been self-doubt.
To be fair, Sosa had absolutely no way of knowing what traits the nano-bots were searching for (G) She may have made the same assumption as everyone here -- that they were definately going for bad eyesight.
so we are supposing that during the time wc is set in, they had the technology to create microscopic computers/machines

when the doctor was explaining it, i thought he used microscopic computers/machines as what to think of them as...the impression i got was that it WAS a virus, but they could manipulate it, and change what "code" they wanted, it was something like taking out certain strands of dna in the virus or altering them etc...
We aren't 'supposing' anything. We were told that the GenSelect weapon was composed on Nanobots.

nanobots that were like microscopic right?

how do u make a robot that is microscopic?

or at least to attack soemthign as small as RNA

i still reckon it was a virus that u could just "tweak" back in the laboratory