Game is too fast

Originally posted by Sadic
No I mean extended memory compatible with the old 286!

So add this line to your config.sys. This could help :
device = c:\dos\emm386.exe ram 4096
Non, EMS is expanded memory, XMS is extended memory. EMM386 uses extended memory to emulate expanded memory.

If you've got any Windows on the system, try:

EMM386 with Win9x will automatically set as much EMS as possible.
A easier method is look in the windows directory as it might (did for me) contain ms-dos mode shortcuts for emx or ems just add drivers and your done. Other wise just edit the preferences. Find the memory section and ad as much ems as possible to it then run it. ;)
The nicest however is to just get an old computer like they say its worth it because you can run all the clasics on it plus it won't crash as much.