Funny WC quotes


:D I was wondering if anyone knows some funny quotes from Wing Commander. I always found Privateer to be the funniest out of all of the WC games. I was thinking that all of the WC eexperts could recite some of the funniest so here is your thread.
Here's a scene from Wing Commander III: A discussion between Maverick and Maniac reguarding Rachel Coriolis.

Maniac: Aw, I don’t think getting into her pants requires any high-risk manoeuvring.
Maverick: Or just the fact that it takes manoeuvring leaves you breathing my engine exhaust, doesn’t it?

Here's a scene from Wing Commander Prophecy.

Stiletto: Give me a couple more of those big guns and I’ll carve out my own corner of the universe.
Maestro: I have a big gun. I have a happy gun.
Stiletto: Cute! <slaps Maestro>
Also from Prophecy - Maniac and Maestro discussing Casey getting on the good side of Rachel.

Maniac: You know, I don’t get it. I’m a great guy, you know? I’m the best pilot in Confed. People look up to me. So tell me this. Why is it I can never get the girl? I mean, do some guys have all the luck? Or is it just me?
Maestro: It’s you.
Maniac: *chokes on his drink*

Then moments later:

Maestro: You know what? Here. Bottle’s on me. I’ll see you later.
Maniac: Thanks! *downs the bottle in one chug*
From WC 4 right after you defect to the UBW:

Maverick: Well look at the bright side Maniac...
Maniac: There's a bright side?
Maverick: At least you don't have to deal with that Confed promotion that finally
came through.


at the very end of WC3 after all the credits, you see a scene with Blair, Maniac and Flint talking and Blair leaves and then Maniac asks Flint ' isnt that the guy from Star Wars?'.
wc3 maniac and blair in the lounge...after a short conversation with maniac looking at his playboy's

"Oh, I've dated all you girls!"
Maniac and Hawk in Prophecy:

Maniac: After all these years, to finally get my own squadron.
Hawk: You like to be in charge?
Maniac: Yeah.
Hawk: To be in control?
Maniac: Yeah.
Hawk: To be the one the CAG chews out when your team screws the pooch on a mission?
Maniac: Yeah... hey, wait a minute!
Dialoge between Blair and Marshall before the last 2 mission you fly on WC1-SM2:

Maniac: ...Listen, I had this idea for a great weapon we can use against the furballs. We can repack our standard missiles with a double load of ESK-5 explosives…
Maverick: ESK-5? But if you did that, they’d explode inside your ship on your first high-G manoeuvre!
Maniac: Yeah, but you’d take out everything within a hundred klicks!
Maverick: Everything within a hundred klicks, including yourself!

Does anyone have a transcript or an accurate recollection of the discussion about the Mace nuke Maniac and Maverick have in Special Operations 2 the first time you get to fly a Morningstar? That was pretty funny.
Try Wedge's WC site.

Maniac: Hey, Maverick, remember when I told you that this baby had capabilities I couldn’t talk about? Well, this ship is equipped with a new type of missile called the Mace. It’s a tactical nuke!
Maverick: There’s a nuclear missile in my ship?!
Maniac: Yeah! Great, isn’t it? Listen, the best way to use it is to fire it at the enemy squadron when you first see ’em. I also use my particle cannons to set it off, once it’s out of range. Just don’t aim it at anything near you!
Maverick: I wish I thought you were kidding about this, Todd!

Puts his SM2 quote in a whole new perspecitve, doesn't it?
I always got a kick out of the part in WC1 where during the mission briefing the colonel (?) tells you that its ok to shoot maniac if he gets in your way. I don't remember the wording but the look on maniac's face is priceless.

I Once recorded a line from WCIV that wasn't originally funny. After seether blows up bluepoint station Blair says "that wasn't hot-dogging it Maniac, that's the move of a true master." Anyway I took the part where he says "that's the move of a true master" and made it the default beep in windows. (3.1) So everytime my mother or other family members made a mistake they woud hear a sarcastic "That's the move of a true master!" Ahh... fond memories... and lots of laughs.
To be fair, that line is pretty funny on its own.

And by funny I mean really, really, really, really awful. Really.
Well.. . your right... I still cringe when I hear it in context.
Frosty and Maniac in the bar in Wing Commander Prophecy:

Frosty: You smell that? Something stinks!
Maniac: Wha? Is it me? It isn't me...
Frosty: No, something really stinks. (Gets up) I'll tell you what it is, Major, it's the plebe that's going out there to save your wingman.

Hmm, maybe not that funny, but I thought it was after the whole first encounter with Maniac.
my favorite is from WC4 when you get the breifing about saving the biochemist from Tyr VII

Eisen: Ah, Colonel. Confed has deemed this an especially critical mission.
Maverick: Any particular reason?
Eisen: <hesitates> Let’s get down to business, shall we, Colonel?
Maverick: Yes, sir.
Iceman16 said:
my favorite is from WC4 when you get the breifing about saving the biochemist from Tyr VII

Eisen: Ah, Colonel. Confed has deemed this an especially critical mission.
Maverick: Any particular reason?
Eisen: <hesitates> Let’s get down to business, shall we, Colonel?
Maverick: Yes, sir.

Why did you find that funny? Or was it just your favorite quote and not necassarily funny?

Anyway, I like the guy in Privateer when he's talking to Masterson and he's like, "Look, couldn't I just get a library card?"