? for anyone playing Privateer 2 Deluxe

I would say the reasons they list it with the ML designation is because of its speed. I agree it isnt the best ship in the game, but for the begining until about when you start visiting David Hassan, its good for building up to a better ship. I wouldnt dare try the latter missions in it! Those Ion Cannons will eat that thing up in a heartbeat!

That is list I can agree with. But why isn't the DRakkar included? She was one of my favourites. Actually, in cash-to-usefulness ratio I found her better than the Heretic.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
ML01 Duress
ML02 Heretic
ML03 Faldari
ML04 Heron
ML05 Veldor
ML06 Freij

Thats the one I couldnt remember, the Duress. The Freij MKII is ML6A. Thanks for posting that list LOAF!

I believe the 'ML' means 'Military' -- marking which fighters are military-quality. The rest of the 'M's...

ML3A Faldari
ML6A Freij II
ML1B CIS Duress
ML2B CIS Faldari/CIS Faldari II
ML3B CIS Freij
ML4B Ashearer
ML4X CIS Heretic
ML4D Salvia
MC0S Veldor
MDRE Yackyard
MCPH Prototype
MLA5 Leighat
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Ecantona and Ashearer <G>
WOW Mekt, I'm ashamed of you!! Look at my sig... :)

As for Ashearer, well, you might not know England's and Newcastle's forward ALAN SHEARER, recently retired from International Competition...

Any more like that, LOAF?
Like, I don't know, Dyorke or Mowen... :)
Sorry mpanty, when I saw your signature I always thought: "Man, what a dumb sentence" (only in German, of course), but I never could make a connection. :)
But sport is not really my favourite subject...
I used to think that those P2 ship names were just coincidences until I realised the dev team was a bunch of Brits. Should have seen it coming.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Sorry mpanty, when I saw your signature I always thought: "Man, what a dumb sentence" (only in German, of course), but I never could make a connection.
But sport is not really my favourite subject...
Eh eh... if you followed soccer, you would know what that sentence refers to (but I'm not going to explain it, as no one would care here... :)).

Anyway, I wasn't referring to the sentence, Mekt, look below the sentence, and you'll see what Ecantona refers to... ;)