Flight of the Excalibur (desktop bg)

Okay, my other pic has now been re-rendered. It is at a higher resolution, got rid of my crappy old logo, and replaced it with some more elegant credits, an updated model, and better lighting.


Sweet Cam. Madman, I take it that you're quite smart then. I'm at Portsmouth Uni, doing a HND in Computing, next year I'm going to transfer to the second year of a Bsc in Entertainment Technology
nicely, i got ok grades at a-level, was pissed off by some, happy with others :D

where you from originally? im from west yorkshire
pff lol, st andrews is ok, cold, wet, but ok hehe, we also haev the drunkest square mile in europe on raisin weekend (thats like a university party thing, which is in a week and 5 days time :D) and has allegedly the most pubs per square mile in the world, so lots of drinking opportunities, but they dont sell decent bitter, only shitty lager :(
you have a sci fi society?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! we have "chaosoc" - maths society and "astrosoc" - astrophysics society, the next nearest thing to sci-fi is.... dungeons and dragons and "warhammersoc" AAAAAAARGH!
We also have a Fantasy Role Play Soc, quite a few members of Sci-Fi are also members of this soc
I HATE YOU! hehe

do you have ::looks around to see if anyones listening:: a pub with a dominoes competition every wednesday?? eh eh? didnt think so!
I KNEW IT! we do :P plus, if u win, u get a steak pie and 4 pints :D and u dont ahve to pay to enter

/me does a lil dance
i havent won :(, yet, and im 18 but one day, oh one day, i shall beat the locals who are 50 odd and have been playin for years and i shall become the master, and THEY the apprentice MUAHAHAHA!
What about INGSOC? Big Brother is WATCHING YOU! :D

Does anyone have some real comments about my bg's? lol