Favorite cutscene?

"what's your damage fly-boy?"WCP

and even though it's not WC, my alltime fav cut-scene for a game,
"All your base are belong to us"
this timeless phrase is the result of really, really bad translation.
if u have no idea what im referring to, here is a flash recreation with alittle more at the end.
I like the first sequences of 3 and 4, and any cutscene with soza or stiletto... Not to mention Tolwyn and Paladin, who always give us great performances.

I really get let down with marine cutscenes. They always look wimpy, with cheap uniforms and not-cool looking weapons. Dekker looks like he's going to ride a free-style bike, with those plastic biker things strapped to him...

And the directing in WCP is really abismally dreafull. The editing too. the planes, sequnces and cuts make no sense. Even then, considering the objective of these movies, I generally like WCP's scenes. There is a very cute girl who is always hanging around a japanese woman in the back, but unfortunatelly we rarelly get a good look at her...

Welcome Edfilho! Pretty soon we will be changing this forum language to Portuguese! :D

About the cutscenes, they aren´t supposed to win Oscars. I think WCP cutscenes were worse than WC3 and WC4, but still very good for a computer game.
Thanks for the welcome! I understand you are from Brazil too??

Ah, sure WCP's cutscenes are better than most games... but for someone who likes cinema as an art, there are some pretty weird cuts on them. It's actually funny. But as I mentioned, that didn't sour my enjoyment of the game.
Well what is the favorite by heart depends on a lot of personal factors.

The best, overall, IMO, is the debate between Tolwyn and Blair on the senate on WCIV.

"The people of Telamon know just how read it is(...)"
"(...) the doing of the Border Worlds thugs!"

Very cool.
My fav cutscene would be from WC2. I think it was in SO1, the one where Thrakhath's texture is allways screw up. So it's different everytime :)
mabye my SO1 or SO2 is messed up, but the scene when thrakhath is captured and kassra is gonna attack, thrakhath sometimes gets blair's head when he talks. it was wierd as hell when i first saw it, blair talking to blair but his words change colors
Sounds just like a computer to do that. I'm really moving away from games and stuff on my computer and am focusing more on the Playstation and Gamecube.
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Sounds just like a computer to do that. I'm really moving away from games and stuff on my computer and am focusing more on the Playstation and Gamecube.

I pefer Xbox...But anyways, ya it does sound like it was just your computer thikning too fast for its own good or something like that...:D
Originally posted by K1nG Gr4H4m
Yep, that's the one. It's the Ghorah Khar 2-C: Patrol mission. It's even written in the note section. https://www.wcnews.com/guides/so1ghorahkhar2.shtml

And I do remember one time when a mission bug displayed Major Edmond naked. Seriously. It was only from the sholder up, but still, why would they include that image to begni with? Bizarre. Has anyone else ever saw this?
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Originally posted by Delance
And I do remember one time when a mission bug displayed Major Edmond naked. Seriously. It was only from the sholder up, but still, why would they include that image to begni with? Bizarre. Has anyone else ever saw this?

Now, if they did something like that with Yolanda Jilot or Ginger Lynn...
Originally posted by Delance
And I do remember one time when a mission bug displayed Major Edmond naked. Seriously. It was only from the sholder up, but still, why would they include that image to begni with? Bizarre. Has anyone else ever saw this?

???????? Are you sure ???? :confused:
I really liked the intro to WCIV, the cut-scene in WCP where Maniac is drunk and says "Casey, my only friend" or something to that effect, the end scene in WCIV where Blair becomes an instructor, and Paladin says "Maniac, shut-up", the scene in WCIV where Pliers drops the flashpak and everyone runs off, and the Black Lance infiltration.
And generally any scene with Manic.

BTW, did anyone notice that in the first CD, when you "loose" and Tolywn throws you out of Confed, when your in the bar, the TV behind you is showing a WC3 cut scene! the attack on some planet or another...its downloadbale from the files section...