fave quote from wc

WhiteDevil01 said:
lol! Maniac's just jealous 'cuz Blair got Rachel before he did.

Nope, he's jealous because Blair got to Rachel AT ALL! Maniac was in the Victory for longer than Blair, and prolly never had close to a chance. He didn't get to know Rachel's "inspection schedule"...

As to why he talked more to Flint, well, they're both pilots, no big reason for a pilot to talk to the chief tech in the off hours. Blair did talk a lot to her because he was Wing Commander, I guess. And not a jerk.
Can't believe no one cited these two.

Iceman, SM2: "You're expecting us to go into combat in one of the Flying Pancakes, sir?"

And from WC2:
Angel: "[Y]ou, Jazz, and you, Stingray [...] will escort the garbage shuttle to the asteroids."
Stingray: "Colonel!"
Angel: "That’s your assignment. And remember, Stingray, we run garbage shuttles from this ship daily!"
Ah, choices... (one of the many "choose your own adventure" bits from WC IV):

Blair: "This pisses me off," or, of course, "ain't my problem."

Hmm, I forgot what was the consequence when you chose "Ain't my business"? Is the guy Seether then kills important later on? :confused:
Stilleto: "I bet you die before I do"

Maestro: "Stilleto, I wonder what that means..."

Stilleto: "The CAG would like to discuss that 'incident' with the Altarian Consulate's daughter"
Casey: "It really was his private reserve"
Masetro: "Shut! Up!"


"You're weak like a little girl"

"I am battered, yet unbeaten"
Mekt-Hakkikt said:
Hmm, I forgot what was the consequence when you chose "Ain't my business"? Is the guy Seether then kills important later on? :confused:

Think he's mentioned in the book again, but not in the game - though he's only just about mentioned.
panther said:
Think he's mentioned in the book again, but not in the game - though he's only just about mentioned.

He's mentioned again in both. The guy in the bar is an old vet off the liberty. We meet him again during the Peleus missions. He gets tractored in after being shot down by UBW forces and brought to the Intrepid. If you helped him you would have the easier of the two missions to find the jamming ship. In the game if you didn't you had a mission with more nav points because you had to search for the ship. I think his name was McBean or something like that....
Yeah. He's the first one that said "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." I always help him out, since it makes things easier.
No, I meant that guy with whom Seether struggles (I think I misremembered, he doesn't kill the guy when you chose "Ain't my business", does he?), not the vet you give money or not.

So, thanks Panther/WhiteDevil.
"so what would you aimed for if you ahd the biggest gun in the univers colonel?"- Tolwyn

"the war will go just fine with out you..."-blair
"so will the colonel"- Flint

or in the begining of wc3 when you talk to maniac, "i have majors to do that, major..."-blair