Famous Quotes


Rear Admiral
I'm really big on quotes, I was wondering if anyone had any good ones to suggest. I've played WC since back in the day with 1, and I can't seem to remember all the good ones from way back then.
I'm also especially looking for one quote in perticular.
If anyone has what exactly Spirit said before she commited suicide I'd love to know. All I remember is something along the lines of 'I'll save a seat for you in heaven.'

Yea, I can't remember what it was word for word tho, and I can't clock down my beast of a comp enough to play WC2 anymore :(
I'm considering taking out the old hull of a 386 in the back and firing her up :)
SPIRIT: CALLSIGN! Something's blown! Meron's dead... I'm losing air pressure...
YOU: Mariko, bail out!
SPRIT: No... not this time callsign. Tengoku de omachishi te imasu!

(callsign is replaced by the player's callsign, obviously)

I can post screenshots of it if you'd like.

I think I'm going to make some backgrounds and I'll use little snippits from your screenshots as well.
If you can think of any other good moments in screenshots that you care to volunteer I'll see if I can use them too :)
When I have more time on my hands that is :)
Awesome :)
Thanks bunches man. How did you manage to get these screenshots?
I can't seem to tone down my comp enough to play WC2.
And I had almost forgotten how ugly the inside of a WC2 ship looked
Like living in a big green can :)
Here's some more stuff then... if you want it...

The claw just about to blow up:

Angel and Blue Hair kissing:

Downtown's Dead :( :

Not horribly important to the story... but one of my favorite ingame shots. The Concordia in an asteroid field:

I can add a bunch more from WC2... I have a few hundred screenshots... it's just that I end up thinking all the shots are important :)


[Edited by TC on 05-14-2001 at 02:10]
I fixed one of the links that was wrong... the other's supposed to look like that... I was too late capturing an explosion :)

Hmm, I still can't see 13.

Originally posted by TC
Hobbes' claw coming out to collect his winnings... I loved that :)
Isn't he just picking up his cards?

Originally posted by TC
Great Quote about Maniac
And to think he's just a raving lunatic. :) Still, I suspect the autopilot thing is false. Or perhaps not, Maniac's entire career is a fluke.
Nope... that's his arm on it's way out to get the chips.

Click on the 13 link in my original post, I changed the link, not the filename.

My favourite quote from all WC games is in WC2 where the Emperor allows Thrakhath to go to war. That whole cutscene is awesome (if you have speech) but my favourite was just:
"Khasra! I have heard enough of Khasra!" Ha, that tone, so wonderful :)