Famous Flight Suit Now For Sale (February 9, 2011)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
In more news related to popular Wing Commander musicians, acclaimed composer George Oldziey is selling Mark Hamill's Wing Commander Flight Suit on eBay. The outfit has been part of George's personal collection since EA cleared out a warehouse of WC3, WC4 and Prophecy-era props and relics. He's explained the story behind it below. This is quite a collectible! The auction continues until mid day (US time) Wednesday, February 16. Place your bid here! (and check out the snazzy pics of George all dressed up).

This is an original costume used in the making of the cut scenes for the epic Origin/Electronic Arts video game, "Wing Commander IV". It's MOST LIKELY the same costume worn by Mark Hamill as he portrayed the character of Captain Blair. I have no papers to authenticate it as such, but I acquired it from the storage warehouse on the set where the scenes were shot as they were about to toss all the props away. This particular costume has "Blair" inscribed on it, so at at the very least he must have been fitted for it and tried it on! Having met Mark Hamill and seen how much shorter he is than me, and having tried on the suit myself, I can attest that this suit must have fit him very well!

I, being the composer of the music for this and two other Wing Commander games, will be happy to autograph and include a picture of me wearing the costume, or some other picture if you'd like.

Original update published on February 9, 2011
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Hrm, wonder how high it'll go. I might try, if he's willing to ship to Canada (I always ask - you never know).
Can we get some real info up about the flightsuits? I mean seriously how hard is it to get a pattern made up and on the net for this stuff? as well as a listing of all the materials used? I know a few people in Australia that would like to get/make flightsuits/helmets for conventions based on the wing commander 3/4 designs/colours.
I've put my bid in on it, being a huge WC fan since the first days of WC1.

I'm highest bidder right now, but I fully expect to be beat out by someone before too long, as I don't have the same resources at my disposal as a lot of people seem to for this stuff.

I hope that I do get it though, as it would be really cool to have something of this caliber and I've never won anything on ebay :P

It's a relief that I'm not up against Loaf, as I don't think I'd stand a snowball's chance in hell against him.
Can we get some real info up about the flightsuits? I mean seriously how hard is it to get a pattern made up and on the net for this stuff? as well as a listing of all the materials used? I know a few people in Australia that would like to get/make flightsuits/helmets for conventions based on the wing commander 3/4 designs/colours.

Since LOAF or Joe will (hopefully) outbid anyone anyway...

...here's you flightsuit pattern, darkmage: http://thegreenpepper.com/downloads/142web.pdf (Just the ad, they still want to sell it)
Needs some accessorizing, but that's not too difficult (you can see the patched-on clasps on George's pics), and you're ready to go.

May the best man win ;)

Yeah, I don't know that a pattern is really necessary. Halman made ours based on a few photographs. You buy a standard air force surplus flight suit, make a flap over the center and then attach a few plastic buckles across the front. We made Confed patches and t-shirts to match.
So a question - how many people here are interested in it, and do we want to cooperate so we can acquire it, or bid against each other?

No point in my bidding if osmeone else is just going to outbid me and raise the price for everyone, I'd say...
As I stated above, I have already made my bid on this item.

I am still highest bidder as of right now it seems, but God only knows how long that will last.
So a question - how many people here are interested in it, and do we want to cooperate so we can acquire it, or bid against each other?

I understand the frustration, but I'd rather not do that here. It would be one thing if the auction were being run by some prop warehouse with no connection to Wing Commander... but the money here goes to an actual xOrigin employee (and a long time friend of the community).
Not a frustration, just curious. After all, if someone was going to bid $1000 on it, there's no way I could match that. And it's still no guarantee someone else not in the community won't bid over me anyhow.
I forgot to mention earlier: George said last week that he is still working on reorchestrating his Wing Commander music and calling in some favors so that he can get a live Wing Commander concert going at the Austin Symphony ( https://www.wcnews.com/news/update/10111 ). Might slip into 2012, but it's amazing that he's pushing for this. If anybody deserves $1000 worth of Wing Commander money right now, he does. :)
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Isn't Oldziey pictured wearing his own flightsuit in his cameo as a wingman option in WCIV?

[STRIKE] Also, is anyone willing to buy this for the CIC to have? I think $300 is a snap - and if it goes privately, none of us will ever see it again. There's only twelve hours left, if we have a consortium (i.e. we all put a few bucks in somebody's paypal account) I'm sure we can make enough.


*Edit: Sorry, just saw what LOAF said about the consortium thing.
Flight Suit

Hey guys,
I've tossed my hat into the ring, so to speak - I rarely post on here, but I visit enough to hope that should I win this auction, it isn't "leaving the community", so to speak :-)

All the best,
- Kevin
Hey guys,
I've tossed my hat into the ring, so to speak - I rarely post on here, but I visit enough to hope that should I win this auction, it isn't "leaving the community", so to speak :-)

All the best,
- Kevin

I hate you!

Actually, I am just kidding, but you did manage to knock me out of the race!

Regardless, best of luck to you on this one! I really want to see something like this go towards a community member.
Flight Suit Gone :(

Wow! I was doing good until the last 4 seconds; what an ending price :-)

Congrats to the winner!

- Kev
(guess I won't be wearing this while firing up my old CDs :-)